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First Layer Troubleshooting  

Active Member
First Layer Troubleshooting

Trying to fine tune my first layer as firmware upgrade seems to have caused it to move.

It seems that when I print a 75x75 test square something happens in the second half. Almost as if the bed isnt level or something else.

In the samples you will see everything OK then it changes. Im pretty new to all this so dont know what exactly is going on.

One on left is .550 and right is .500. Ignore the circles, bad lighting, sorry.

Also when i measure the layer with micrometer its .22mm

Veröffentlicht : 05/03/2019 7:34 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: First Layer Troubleshooting

The photobucket link is broken. You can drag and drop images in the post as attachments.

Veröffentlicht : 07/03/2019 12:28 am
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: First Layer Troubleshooting

thats weird , shows fine here. Let me retry.

Veröffentlicht : 07/03/2019 5:10 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
Re: First Layer Troubleshooting
Veröffentlicht : 07/03/2019 5:20 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: First Layer Troubleshooting

It's really hard to judge layer 1 without the plastic being in front of you. But two things could be happening:

1) the bed is not flat. Far right front corner is the only place it looks good. And the calibration to get it good over a large surface is at best tedious. You can read about efforts to make the surface flat to 0.01 mm ... and they still can't get a good layer 1 printed. The 3x3 calibration more or less can get you to an an average thickness, but it doesn't help much with low or high spots. There is a bed calibration option where you set offsets for front, back, left, right: up to 0.100 mm in the latest firmware (0.05 mm in older versions). Anyway - getting a perfect layer 1 is a challenge.

The upside ? There is a 7x7 procedure that does a much better job, and it is in the release process. An private alpha version is available out on Github.

2) Contamination. Touching the bed with anything other than a dedicated tool - especially your fingers - will haunt you. The far left of your pads looks like contamination. Search the forums for a bed wash procedure. A dab of soap and lots of hot water, fresh paper towels to scrub and dry, and handle bed by the edges during wash procedure...

Veröffentlicht : 07/03/2019 8:09 pm