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First Layer Scarring  

New Member
First Layer Scarring

I am getting scarring on the first layer. See picture.



I tried everything from lowering and raising the z-height, increasing width of line, fixing an issue with filament rubbing against the printer, and so forth. I think it might be a problem with the movement on the x-axis? Also, this was done with the machine at a makerspace. It's mine, but I left it at the makerspace.

There may be other issues with the print, but the one i am focused on is the weird scarring.

Postato : 08/09/2021 3:35 pm
First layer

I think you first layer is off and you bed is dirty.  I have never seen a print do this exact deformity of the first layer.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Postato : 08/09/2021 7:38 pm
Illustrious Member

You have at least three problems:

As @cwbullet says your first layer and your bed cleanliness need attention but you also seem to have some sort of mid layer shift, possibly more than one that suggests, as you suspected, that at least one of your axes is not moving correctly.

For both X and Y axes:

First, with the power off, move the axis by hand; is is smooth? Does the resistance stay the same over the whole range?

Clean and lubricate the smooth rods, check they are not damaged/scratched. Check the idler pulley is not clogged, out of line, or damaged (loosen the belt and try turning it with your fingertip, is it smooth?)

With the belt loose try turning the stepper motor by hand; is it smooth?

Check the grub screws on the motor pulley: is one of them engaging the flat part of the drive shaft and are they both tight?

Retighten the belt until it just begins to make a low musical note when plucked...

And now it's time to attend to the first layer and wash the print sheet.


Once you have the printer working, make your next print this:

It MUST be printed in Prusament PETG or the spring tension will be wrong.


Postato : 09/09/2021 1:19 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:

Hi. The steel plate is not all that dirty. It's simply a bunch of gluestick.


As for the rest of your advice, I will implement it to the best of my ability.

Postato : 09/09/2021 5:18 pm
Illustrious Member

Is that gluestick? If so you are using too much. Starting from a clean sheet wipe a line of gluestick across the plate then spread it with a wet paper wipe, or spray with water then wipe, so that you have an even, thin coating.

It helps us if you mention when you're printing unusual filaments otherwise we naturally assume it's PLA or PETG.


Postato : 09/09/2021 7:12 pm