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First layer print issues  

Active Member
First layer print issues

Hi there.

I just assembled my kit and it seems to work fine, but I'm having issues with the Z-axis calibration and first layer. 
I've made endless tests of the first layer of Prusa logo, with everything from -250 to -1000 in the live adjust Z-axis.
I think my belts are pretty tight...

Here are some pictures. What would you recommend I take a look at to fix this?

Best Answer by Vojtěch:

Also, your X pulley seems not tightened properly on your X axis motor. You must tighten the set screw on the flat of the shaft first, and only after that tighten the other one. The reason is that the screw on the flat needs to be able to self-center.

This topic was modified před 5 years 2 times by damonso
Napsal : 18/05/2019 3:25 pm
Noble Member
RE: First layer print issues

There are streaks on your bed that make it look like it needs to be cleaned. 

  1. Wash it with warm water, dish soap, and a clean (non scrubby) sponge. 
  2. Do not touch it with your bare hands from this point on. 
  3. Dry it with a clean lint free towel.
  4. Put it back on the printer. 
  5. Pour a small puddle of 91% or better rubbing alcohol (IPA) in the center.
  6. Scrub it down with a microfiber cloth or paper towel with no dyes or scents. 

The next thing is that -1 may not be far enough. Mine, for example, is currently at -1.5. Previously I've needed -1.75 and -0.6.

So give the plate a good cleaning and drop the Live Z some more and see if that helps. 

MMU tips and troubleshooting
Napsal : 18/05/2019 6:24 pm
Honorable Member
RE: First layer print issues

Also, your X pulley seems not tightened properly on your X axis motor. You must tighten the set screw on the flat of the shaft first, and only after that tighten the other one. The reason is that the screw on the flat needs to be able to self-center.

Napsal : 18/05/2019 6:54 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First layer print issues
Posted by: Vojtěch

Also, your X pulley seems not tightened properly on your X axis motor. You must tighten the set screw on the flat of the shaft first, and only after that tighten the other one. The reason is that the screw on the flat needs to be able to self-center.

That helped a lot, thanks. Made those glitches go away. I thought I had tightened the z axis drive gears, but turned out I hadn't at all...

But now there must be some other issue, because it still won't print correct...

[img] [/img]
Those circles in the middle did not stay when printed. I've cleaned the surface well, and it has happened both with and without glue.


[img] [/img]
It keeps dragging up corners.


Any tips?

Napsal : 21/05/2019 3:41 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First layer print issues

more images of unsuccessful prints. The first layer test goes well, but I keep experiencing problems with other prints. 
I'm printing my own design from Cura, but there shouldn't be any reason it acts this way because of the slice right?

Napsal : 21/05/2019 9:06 pm