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[Rozwiązany] First Layer Major Change  

Reed Bartlett
Active Member
First Layer Major Change

I have been running fine with -1.633 for my first layer.  I crashed into a PETG blob and am now having problems finding my first layer.  I am at -2.002 now.  Why did this change?  What moved when the printer crashed?  I am actually having problems finding the first layer.  Help.  A similiar issue happened about 6 months ago.  I was at -1.400 added a silicone sock and had to reestablish the first layer. 

Opublikowany : 13/02/2024 6:35 pm
Reputable Member
RE: First Layer Major Change

You do realize that the difference between 1.633 and 2.002 is less than the thickness of the filament from a standard Prusa nozzle right? 

What did you do to clean the blob?  if you dismantled the extruder or even applied pressure to the nozzle that would be sufficient enough to shift the nozzle by such a small amount.  Even moving your printer from one place do another could jostle it enough to cause tiny changes in your z offset.  So long as you can get an acceptable z offset things should be fine.  If you think -2.002 is too great a distance perhaps you can raise your Pinda probe by 0.500 mm to 1 mm to make it seem less extreme.

For the sake of your sanity make it a part of your standard routine to verify and re-calibrate your z offset any time you tinker with the extruder or the z axis.



Prusa I3 Mk2 kit upgraded to Mk2.5s, Ender3 with many mods, Prusa Mini kit with Bondtech heat break, Prusa I3 Mk3s+ kit

Opublikowany : 20/02/2024 2:40 am
Illustrious Member

The events may not be connected.

Nozzles wear in use and every few months it is necessary to recalibrate the first layer 'Z' offset.  After two or three recalibrations the nozzle has worn too far and it is time to replace it.

Your Pinda position is outside the designed range so moving it up by *one* thread, one mm, will also help.


Opublikowany : 20/02/2024 6:13 am
Noble Member
RE: First Layer Major Change

I am at -2.002 now.  Why did this change?  What moved when the printer crashed?

PINDA moved down relatively to your nozzle.

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Opublikowany : 21/02/2024 12:01 pm
Reed Bartlett
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First Layer Major Change

I fought this for a week then finally watch the nozzle and determined it was leaking.  I changed the nozzle and am running great.  The first layer is around -1.635

Opublikowany : 21/02/2024 3:51 pm
Reputable Member
RE: First Layer Major Change

I'm glad you found your problem.  However, keep in mind that z offset is a semi-arbitrary value that is unique to each printer.  The absolute value of your z offset is unique to you and can't be compared to any other printer.  It all comes down the the sensitivity of your Pinda probe, the bed you're using and how high the Pinda probe is above the bed when you assembled it.  The only time to worry about whatever your z offset is if you can no longer get good first layer squish.  One of my printers is -0.825 another is -1.625, in both cases I get good first layer squish and good bed adhesion.



Prusa I3 Mk2 kit upgraded to Mk2.5s, Ender3 with many mods, Prusa Mini kit with Bondtech heat break, Prusa I3 Mk3s+ kit

Opublikowany : 22/02/2024 1:46 am
Reed Bartlett
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First Layer Major Change

Thank you Bob.  I am running great.  I have ordered extra nozzles for maintenance down the road.  



Opublikowany : 22/02/2024 12:41 pm