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First layer falling apart with Prusament PETG  

Active Member
First layer falling apart with Prusament PETG

Hey all, first print on my freshly built I3 MK3S went very smoothly in PLA. Second print I did in Prusament PETG with the "0.20 QUALITY MK3" setting under "PRUSAMENT PETG." The print seems to be great except for the first layer, which seems to be falling apart, though well adhered to the bed. Any idea what's going on?

Respondido : 10/03/2019 3:38 pm
Re: First layer falling apart with Prusament PETG

It looks to be too high. Re-do your live Z adjustment, and use this method as it's far easier than the PRUSA routine:


Respondido : 10/03/2019 3:57 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: First layer falling apart with Prusament PETG

I've done this routine and measured 200 +/- 30 um with a micrometer. I don't think it's the first layer height.

Respondido : 10/03/2019 4:50 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: First layer falling apart with Prusament PETG

Okay here I set the Z height much more aggressively to squish the first layers. Still they separate.

Respondido : 10/03/2019 5:58 pm
Re: First layer falling apart with Prusament PETG

Don't worry about the actual thickness of the first layer. The important thing is that it is uniform with no gaps or ridges.

If you have dialed it in as described, you may just need to print hotter. PETG layers won't bond well if the bed and/or nozzle are too cold. Make sure you are not printing in a drafty area, and up the nozzle temp by 5-10 degrees, and maybe dial back the fan speed.

You can also try 0.15; it'll squish the PETG a bit more as it extrudes and help with layer adhesion.

Respondido : 10/03/2019 6:09 pm