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First Layer Calibration not working  

Active Member
First Layer Calibration not working


After upgrading my perfectly fine functioning MK3 to the MK3S with MMU2S upgrade, I'm unable to print at all. I went partly successful through some steps of the calibration process. Axis and sensors seem to work fine. But the first layer calibration doesn't work as usual. The head stays in the home position all the time and extrudes material like crazy and creates large blobs of material. Usually, the printer creates a pattern to calibrate the height, but not this time. I've tried several times after checking the assembly over and over again. It's frustrating and time-consuming without any good result so far. Did anybody else run into this issue before? Any ideas what else I might need to check? This drives me nuts and it feels not like the quality product I've used for over a year without any issues. I hope somebody encountered and solved this issue before and can provide some ideas to resolve it. Thank you

Napsal : 24/04/2019 6:35 pm
RE: First Layer Calibration not working

I've heard tell of this happening if the filament sensor is not functioning correctly or is plugged in wrong. I'd start there.

Napsal : 24/04/2019 6:43 pm
Active Member
RE: First Layer Calibration not working

I had this szenario, too.

Have a look in your settings of your printer. There my filament sensor was turned off. After I turned it on the calibration worked with no further problem.

Napsal : 24/04/2019 9:57 pm
RE: First Layer Calibration not working
Posted by: konrad.s

I had this szenario, too.

Have a look in your settings of your printer. There my filament sensor was turned off. After I turned it on the calibration worked with no further problem.

Good point, that'd do it too as it would keep shoving filament in and never registering that it's reached the gears.

Napsal : 24/04/2019 11:13 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: First Layer Calibration not working

Thanks for all your suggestions. I've checked the settings and the filament sensor is turned on. I checked if the filament is properly recognized when inserted. The sensor reading switched from 0 to 1 and back. After that the reading didn't change anymore. I wonder if this is the problem. I've disassembled the sensor housing and checked everything without success. The behavior was still the same. I think I need to contact support :-/

Napsal : 29/04/2019 5:38 pm