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First layer calibration bed correction  

New Member
First layer calibration bed correction

Hi All,

Although our printer (MK3 assembled by Prusa) prints good I would like to make some improvements (found some tiny untidy prints)

I did some test prints with a bed level STL and got below results:

I did notice quite some differences between the printed squares. There is no bed correction set. How would I be able to make this better?
Current z offset is -1.125

Napsal : 13/03/2019 2:28 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: First layer calibration bed correction

There is a bed correction in the firmware: you can add factors via the LCD for F, B, L, R. I'd move right up a bit; But if you're like a lot of people, you still won't be happy.

The better fix is to use the 7x7 calibration firmware. A soon to be released version of factory firmware will have the 7x7 cal ... until then you have to work outside the release channel.

On github, there is a conversation of the 7x7 mode. It simply works. 49 measured cal points is better than 9 measured points with interpolation filling in the other 40. You''ll need to read to find the links to the various builds, and add the N7 argument to the G80 command in your custom printer gcode,.. but well worth it.

Napsal : 13/03/2019 9:16 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: First layer calibration bed correction

I got it to near perfection with a few tweaks in the bed correction of the default Prusa firmware. Printer (and me) are to new to play with custom firmware. Hopefully the 7x7 calibration will be added soon to the official Prusa firmware.

Napsal : 14/03/2019 11:17 am