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First Benchy got bumped, snapping off my fan shroud  

New Member
First Benchy got bumped, snapping off my fan shroud

While printing my first benchy something went wrong causing my printer to catch onto the benchy. At first it reported a crash. After testing the nozzle was clear I decided to allow it to continue. This caused it to run into the benchy, ripping it from the print bed while breaking the fan shroud at the bolthole. In the image you can see the dent caused by the nozzle touching the inside of the port-side railing at the front of the benchy

My questions:
Any clues as to what might have happened?
My current guess is an axis got misaligned. I have recalibrated and there does not seem to be a systemic problem with the axis. Is it possible I did something to shift the axis after the crash report? or did it just catch and should I have given up on the print?

Any good suggestions for fixing/replacing the fan shroud?
I am considering glueing it for now, but I'm not sure what glue to use.
I would like to print a replacement fan shroud, but I have only PLA, is this feasible or should I order some ABS for replacement parts (I don't have an enclosure yet so I had hoped to print with just PLA for a while).
If I can't properly glue the fan shroud can I print another without one?
It might be ugly but if it is usable I can print a third at good quality.

I hope this information can help you help me prevent this situation in the future and fix my Prusa i3 MK3 soon. If you need any more information don't hesitate to ask.

Napsal : 26/07/2018 7:07 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: First Benchy got bumped, snapping off my fan shroud

You can print another fan shroud using appropriate material. You will likely want to figure out some way to temporarily hold the broken one on, or glue it together long enough to complete a print.

My guess is that the bed adhesion simply wasn't strong enough and it came loose in such a way that it rolled and wedged against the fan shroud.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Napsal : 27/07/2018 4:34 am