Filament wont extrude during calibration or print despite working during load/move axis
I've done about 60 hours worth of printing in PLA up until today. Went to try my first PETG print for the Lack enclosure and had some first layer issues. After trying to change the z height in calibration I found that the printer would no longer print filament. The problem still existed after switching back to PLA. So far I have tried updating the firmware, and making sure the extuder gear is tight, but I have not had any success solving the issue. I can still extrude during filament swap or by manually moving the extruder axis in the settings menu.
RE: Filament wont extrude during calibration or print despite working during load/move axis
Did you ever solve your problem? I have the same issue now.
RE: Filament wont extrude during calibration or print despite working during load/move axis
Hi! for me it was the Pinda sensor distance being off somehow. As soon as I readjusted I could print again
RE: Filament wont extrude during calibration or print despite working during load/move axis
was it not extruding anything or extruding small amount? my symptom is that it puts down a very faint line of filament.
RE: Filament wont extrude during calibration or print despite working during load/move axis
I honestly don't remember as it has been quite some time
RE: Filament wont extrude during calibration or print despite working during load/move axis
ok, just readjusted the pinda sensor. the screw was actually loose! anyway, it is extruding again.
RE: Filament wont extrude during calibration or print despite working during load/move axis