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Filament keeps leaking from nozzle  

New Member
Filament keeps leaking from nozzle

Hello everyone,

I have just assembled a new MK3s, and once i load the filament, it keeps coming out from the nozzle even after the loading process finished.

What can i do about this?




Postato : 23/10/2019 3:58 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Filament keeps leaking from nozzle

Depending on the material you use and what temperature is pre-set, some oozing is to be expected. Once the print starts it will go away depending upon your settings. Try to lower the temperature as a starter.

If that annoys you before a print, you could add a "retraction instruction" to you G-code. The oozing will immediately stop.

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Postato : 23/10/2019 4:57 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Filament keeps leaking from nozzle

The only certain cure for ooze before printing is to reduce nozzle temperatures below the filament melt point.

Retraction is a temporary delay: ooze will still occur. 

Oozing is made worse with cheap filament, moisture in the filament, oil on the filament (fingerprints make it very bad). 

Postato : 23/10/2019 7:14 pm
Dave Avery
Honorable Member
RE: Filament keeps leaking from nozzle

even better you can modify your starting g-code to preheat to a lower temp during startup and then raise the hot end temp just before the pruge line is printed

Postato : 23/10/2019 8:32 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Filament keeps leaking from nozzle

Thank you very much for all the helpful answers!



Postato : 24/10/2019 2:19 pm