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Filament Jams  

Estimable Member
Filament Jams

I'm having trouble with my week old kit, it came with Materio3D PLA translucent filament, and while I have gotten some nice prints from it so far, I've had several jams. In fact at this point, I must eject the filament and snip the end off after each print. Even after a quick single layer Live-Z test print, I have trouble just removing the filament, due to the ball on the end. After longer prints I have to open the port and pull it through to snip the end off, and then I can get the filament out. I am presently running a print with temps cranked up to 220/65, but I can tell already from the progressively increasing squeaking sound that a jam is forming just the same.

Postato : 30/06/2018 4:52 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Filament Jams

Inspection revealed extruder-idler pulley shaft had slid out the spacious end of printed part

Red circle indicates where the shaft had moved into, pink arrows indicate free play of one side of gear. This surely caused gears to loose grip of filament, possibly causing my filament feeding failure. If I don't respond to this thread again, assume issue has been kludged successfully.

Shaft is either too small, or printed part is defective or poorly designed.

Postato : 03/07/2018 10:44 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Filament Jams

So it turns out that the pulley shaft being out of place was not the cause of my jams, but rather it the effect. Once the shaft was reinstalled and convinced to stay in place with some hot glue, the true problem revealed itself. During the first print after repair, about half an hour in, the bondtech gears started to backfire, more and more as the minutes went on. After pausing the print (what a cool feature!) and opening up and checking that the pulley shaft was holding in place (it was), I thought to 'tune' the extrusion temperature. The gear backfire clicking stopped dead literally while I raised the temp up a few degrees, and did not click again for the remaining hour of the print. In the following photo we can observe the lower layers being a bit messy due to the struggling bondtech system, and above that point a properly layers print.

Postato : 05/07/2018 2:15 am