Extruder Height issue during Pre-Flight
I am at the Pre-Flight stage where you lower the extruder near the heat bed.
My issue is that the fan shroud is lower than the extruder. Looking at the build manual pics it shows the extruder lower than the fan shroud.
Is there a way to lower the extruder?
RE: Extruder Height issue during Pre-Flight
FWIW, apparently I installed the hot end 90 degrees from the correct orientation and it just needs to be corrected.
RE: Extruder Height issue during Pre-Flight
The extruder has a fixed position. But maybe you didn't install it right or did something wrong with the fan shroud.
I have seen pictures of a 90 degree turned extruder and than the fan shroud rests on the hotend.
The bottom of the fan shroud is parallel to the bed in the correct position.
And the wires from the hotend exit to the left and than go to the back.
Found the pictures I had seen.
[Solved] Added MMU2S, now the fan touches the bed