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Error "off-road" printing ... ???  

Eminent Member
Error "off-road" printing ... ???

Please have a look at these pictures.

Newbie starting new printer I just mounted 2 days ago.  After several successful tests, I tried printing a downloaded file ( led-strip-tray-and-arms-pla_025-1h53m.gcode) consisting of 3 parts among which 2 are (should be) identical.

Any idea why this issue ?

Thanks a lot !


Postato : 19/12/2021 3:50 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Error "off-road" printing ... ???

Yet another problem with the same file : one part seems to be leaving the bed ...

Postato : 19/12/2021 4:02 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Error "off-road" printing ... ???

Please run a first layer calibration and post a photo of your results.


Postato : 19/12/2021 4:05 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Error "off-road" printing ... ???

It would also be helpful for you to post your ZIPPED .3mf file. It needs to be ZIPPED or it won't get attached.


Postato : 19/12/2021 4:12 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Error "off-road" printing ... ???

Printer is busy.  Doing another calibration asap.

Postato : 19/12/2021 4:51 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Error "off-road" printing ... ???

I only used the gcode file I downloaded from Prusa and modified just nothing. LED strip - downloaded from Prusa

I already printed a dozen of downloaded files even much more complicated with no issue... (example : xmas_ball_0.2mm_PLA_MK3S_5h0m.gcode printed properly as all others)

The print job is now finished as shown on the picture but only 1 part has been printed as expected. Maybe I should try to split the file in 3 parts

Now I will run another calibration as you required first.


Postato : 19/12/2021 5:13 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Error "off-road" printing ... ???

Thanks. I've seen that kind of behavior from overhangs, so I wanted to check the model. There are no overhangs in that model so thats not the issue. On your last picture your sheet looks a bit smudged which can cause adhesion problems.  Have you tried washing your sheet with dishwashing detergent and plenty of hot water? IPA alone will not cut grease from fingerprints. 

I'm glad you are having good success with printing so far. 


Postato : 19/12/2021 5:35 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Error "off-road" printing ... ???

Here is the result of the first layer calibration set to -950


Postato : 19/12/2021 5:42 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Error "off-road" printing ... ???

Thanks. It looks like your z-offset is putting your nozzle too high. The lines of extrusion are not getting squished down on the sheet enough. You should be able to fold the rectangle without the lines separating. Without enough squish down on the sheet, the filament doesn't adhere enough which causes the 'off road' issue.  


Postato : 19/12/2021 6:38 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Error "off-road" printing ... ???

Dumb question maybe, but why is this "off-road" printing? Do you have the printer in a van and print while traveling the country? 

hw: PRUSA MINI+, FW 4.3.3 & Cr-10s w/ BLTouch, Ezboard, Hemerasw: PrusaSlicer 2.4, Windows 11

Postato : 20/12/2021 1:13 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Error "off-road" printing ... ???

Also be sure you are selecting the Correct Filament Setting (Temperature, etc). I change between PLA and PETG often and forget to update and get lifting!


Postato : 20/12/2021 10:51 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Error "off-road" printing ... ???

Thank you for your tips ! Be sure I double checked everything. Now I changed the first layer calibration from -950 to -1050, giving in a much better result.  The rectangle is now almost "perfect". Fingerprints have been cleaned. I must now make another trial with the same code but I still wonder why what I called the "off-road" issue 🤣  happened as shown on the attached picture.  Maybe you didn't see that detail...

Postato : 21/12/2021 7:46 am
Honorable Member
RE: Error "off-road" printing ... ???

I'm glad you got better results. I did see the picture. To clarify the adhesion issue: Your nozzle was moving in the correct 'track' but the filament was not being anchored to the sheet. Because of that curve, the loose filament was getting pulled to the side by the further movement of the nozzle. It was a liquid following the path of least resistance. 


Postato : 21/12/2021 12:26 pm