Do I need to re-adjust the Z Offset for different filament types?
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Do I need to re-adjust the Z Offset for different filament types?  

Active Member
Do I need to re-adjust the Z Offset for different filament types?

I go back and forth from TPU to PLA - do I need to redo the Z offset first layer every time? I find it hard to get the TPU to do anything worthwhile on the first layer calibration - it doesn't matter much what I do it's a mess...

Veröffentlicht : 17/12/2021 7:34 pm
Noble Member
RE: Do I need to re-adjust the Z Offset for different filament types?



The entire process is explained in the user manual that came with your Original Prusa XL.





The Filament Whisperer

Veröffentlicht : 17/12/2021 8:34 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Do I need to re-adjust the Z Offset for different filament types?

That was helpful...

I've spent countless hours trying to learn and just asking a question. I didn't find anything on that in the installation stuff online or the course but I could have missed it. Just asking a question - I thought that's what a forum was for but I guess not.

Veröffentlicht : 17/12/2021 8:39 pm
Moderator Moderator

What printer do you have, this section if for the XL which isn't available yet.

It all depends on your own experience to be honest.  Sometime it is necessary to redo the Z-Offset after changing filament everytime and sometimes it's not.  The Z-Offset is a temperamental beast.  In an ideal world it would be best to recalibrate after changing anything.  Try swapping over without redoing the Z-offset and see if it works OK.  If it does then all well and good, if not then at least you know you will need to redo the Z-Offset setting.

Veröffentlicht : 17/12/2021 8:50 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Do I need to re-adjust the Z Offset for different filament types?

Ya I just realized I messed up, wrong section. Sorry about that just a newbie mistake.


Gotcha, that makes sense, give it a trial run and see how it prints and adjust if necessary because it may not be. That was helpful thank you 3Delight!

Veröffentlicht : 17/12/2021 8:55 pm