Couple hot end questions
Having found the issue with my layers (I was leaking plastic like crazy from a badly done nozzle change), I wound up buying a complete assembly after breaking the wires. So thrre questions. First, is replacing the hot end with the complete assembly as simple as getting into the box and popping the molex connections? Second, what actually is the size of the nozzle that comes in the assembly, as I don't think the store makes it clear. Finally, are there any tips for making sure the gap is right the next time I change the nozzle? I'd like to go to 0.6 for printing terrain at 0.3 or so, but now I'm afraid to swap the nozzle in case I get all that leaking again.
RE: Couple hot end questions
when you change the entire extruder, you need to recover the old wires from the wiring loom, disconnect them from the controller, then install the extruder re route the wiring into the wiring loom, carefully fit new zipties, making sure that they do not obstruct the frame, einsy case or powersupply. and ensuring that the support filament is still in place, and that the braided covering is properly secured at both ends, then tidily fit the cables into the einsy case and tuck the spare cable away tidily, then complete a new Calibration for the pinda and hot end. then run Live 'Z' calibration
regards Joan
I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK
RE: Couple hot end questions
I managed to do the install (broke the left fan wires in the process and had to replace that) and while I thought everything was finally looking good now it's like everything is printing at an angle. Is it possible to put the extruder in at an angle so that it's not square to the bed while having it tight to the holder?