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Completes setup checks, but fails calibration  

Estimable Member
Completes setup checks, but fails calibration

Hi all,

Very excited about my new 3d printer, but frustrated that it refuses to work after building it so carefully!

Steps to replicate:
- Essentially completes the initial setup checks and says all ok
- It then moves onto the calibration checks and fails almost immediately
- The z axis moves down to the sheet of paper and then stops immediately just before it contacts.

By this I assume this is a z axis calibration problem? (read on a forum post that Z is the first to be calibrated - but could be wrong)

- Autohome seems to be slightly off on the x and y (maybe around 0.5 - 1cm in each direction)
- Error message isn't too illuminating: Calibration Failed - Check the Axes and try again

- tried loosening various z axis screws to see if this a problem
- suspected it might be the pinda probe - have adjusted its height a several times
- checked the nozzle installation (noticed few folk installing nozzle incorrectly so too low
- checked Pinda probe - led turns on and off as i'd expect with contact proximity, so appears to be working correctly

Any suggestions from resident geniuses here? Have gone through all the forum posts I can find, but scratching my head as to what to test next!

Thanks in advance! 😀

Postato : 25/11/2018 10:10 am
Honorable Member
Re: Completes setup checks, but fails calibration

- Autohome seems to be slightly off on the x and y (maybe around 0.5 - 1cm in each direction)
- Error message isn't too illuminating: Calibration Failed - Check the Axes and try again

if you have you x belt too tight it is possible to stall slightly, making it think that its hit the end stop (read, bounced off the frame like its supposed to do) before before it should and when it continues to home z it won't find the cal point and fail.

Postato : 26/11/2018 6:50 am
Active Member
Re: Completes setup checks, but fails calibration

I had the same issue. In my case the Z Axis wasnt able to move smoothly to the top.

Try to move the Z Axis to the top (long press an the knob, and then move it upwards). If this doesnt work you have to check the alignment of the Z Axis.

When The Z Axis is on top start the XYZ calibration.

Postato : 26/11/2018 2:20 pm
New Member
Re: Completes setup checks, but fails calibration

I have the same issue. I have recently put together an MK3 with what appeared to be no assembly issues. The left z-axis was VERY hard to turn by hand when unplugged, however, and that raised a red flag immediately. The right axis turns very easily in comparison.
Once I began the self-test, it completed setup, but then failed immediately upon Z calibration.

I have checked that the little black plastic cap isn't on too tight against the motor, and that the connection to the processor isn't faulty, but at this point, I"m not sure what else to check.

Thanks in advance!

Postato : 03/12/2018 6:48 pm
Active Member
Re: Completes setup checks, but fails calibration

unscrew the nuts of the leadscrew from the X-Axis and try turning the motor by hand. If you can turn the motor easily try to turn the nut on the leadscrew.
So you can find out if it is the motor or the nut itself. If both runs smooth without X-Axis check the alignment of the rods (x and z).

In my case there was also a small burr in the nut (maybe ive done this by myself.. 😳 ) I filed the thread flange to fit, cleaned the nut and assembled everything. I also greased the leadscrews.

Postato : 04/12/2018 10:41 am