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Clicking sound from bondtech gears  

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Re: Clicking sound from bondtech gears

My print is also failing and there is a clicking noise when either i print stuff or try to load new filament. It only loads about 9cm of filament before the clicking starts.

Any ideas on why it will not load the new filament???

Could be a clog. At 9 cm it sounds like its kinda low and close to the heat break/ nozzle are. Some causes may be:

The last filament you used has a higher melt temp than what you are using now. Heat it up to the last time you used it successfully and try feeding filament through.

Maybe your PFTE tube is loose and moving up and down during feed and retract. Remove the whole assembly and check. If it is then loosen the festo a tad bit, push the tube down until it seats, lock the collet in place (use a clip for extra security), and re-tighten the festo.

Hope that helps,


Opublikowany : 20/11/2018 8:13 pm
Active Member
Re: Clicking sound from bondtech gears

I was having this issue, as many others. I had also taken apart my extruder over and over again with no resolution. I recently discovered the problem wasn't at all related to the actual printer but the slicer. Using Simplify3D my prints were quick but that clicking wouldn't stop the entire time. I switched to Slic3r PE and now the clicking is completely gone. Which is strange because it didn't do that before. I must have tweaked a setting and not realized it. Honestly, I have no idea which setting it is. I just don't use SD3 anymore.

Faith is not believing. It's believing when all odds are against you and failure is inevitable. Believe in yourself, that's the key.

Opublikowany : 07/02/2019 1:15 am
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