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can't get rid of stringing  

Active Member
can't get rid of stringing

We had no troubles with assembly or getting the printer up and running but I have not been able to get rid stringing on the first prints.  I started with the galaxy silver filament that came with the kit.  I thought maybe it was bad filament or that it got moisture in it somehow so I have since tried another brand new spool of overture PLA pro with only slightly better results.  It was pretty severe right from the start.  I've tried lowering the print temp as low as 180 and also tried increasing the retraction with no luck.  The stringing gets marginally better but doesn't go away and at those low temps other print problems started to arise.  I was also initially printing in my cold garage (about 45 degrees F) but since moved the printer inside to see if that made a difference, which it did not.  Not sure what else to try.

Napsal : 05/01/2023 9:48 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: can't get rid of stringing

Minor update. The difference with the new spool of overture pla pro is actually better than I thought. Still not gone though. I can’t seem to get a good photo but you can kind of see it at the bottom of this piece. This is printed at 205 with retraction turned up to I believe 1.4.

Napsal : 05/01/2023 10:19 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: can't get rid of stringing

Also here is an example of the stringing I was getting with the Galaxy silver at the default pla settings, so printing at 215 degrees with default retraction.

Napsal : 05/01/2023 10:21 pm
Reputable Member

Are you in a humid environment? More than 30%? If so, PETG and even PLA can absorb moisture. From that picture I can't tell the extent of stringing since I have no frame of reference for size.. But it only looks like a few wisps which can be cleared away very easily using a dollar store, "jet type" lighter. Get the type that shoots a stream, like a blow torch. A second around models will vaporize small strings. I'm near the ocean and it ranges from 40-100% humidity. I had to build about 8 dryboxes (from cereal contrainers) and put in dessicant and print from them to keep the moisture from ruining my filament. Every now and then I need to dry the filament using a filament dryer.. A good dryer is PrintDry Pro .. expensive, but I originally went with the $100 variety of Sunlu and it died in 7 months and they would not replace (1 year warranty which required me shipping it and was worth as much as the unit).. For some reason, I found my silver filament would tend to string a bit more than others.. 

Napsal : 05/01/2023 10:51 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: can't get rid of stringing

I'm in southern Arizona so it's generally pretty dry here, somewhere around 10%.  It's been rainy the last few days but even so the current humidity is only 34%.  I think it got as high as 45% a couple days ago.  Less in the house I'm sure, with the heater going.  Wet filament was my first thought since lowering the temp and increasing the retraction didn't seem to fix it so when I got that orange filament I took it straight out of the vacuum pack it was in and printed immediately so it definitely didn't have time to absorb what little humidity there is here.  The orange piece isn't too bad, fairly easily cleaned up, but the fact that I'm still getting that much stringing with brand new filament, the temperature set low, and the retraction set high doesn't seem right to me.  Maybe I'm wrong since this is my first personal printer but I've seen plenty of very clean prints so it seems like there must be a way to get rid of the stringing I'm getting.

Napsal : 05/01/2023 11:37 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: can't get rid of stringing

Thanks for the reply by the way!  I was looking at filament dryers.  I can't decide if I'll need it here but if I decide to get one I'll look into the PrintDry Pro.

Napsal : 05/01/2023 11:38 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: can't get rid of stringing

That does look like damp is adding to your problems 'though that is not a good shape for internal adhesion.  A sharper picture would help.

Never assume new filament is dry - it was packed dry but you don't know how long it was on the distributor's shelf or how it was treated in transit.

Cheaper, and better than most designater dryers, are food dehydrators. The one I use is currently out of stock but anything similar will be fine:

You can either snip out the bottom of a couple of trays to make room for a filament roll or do what I did and print a tall spacer.


Napsal : 05/01/2023 11:57 pm