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Cannot flatten the heat bed, even with nylocks mod  

Fran Perea
Cannot flatten the heat bed, even with nylocks mod

Hi all,

I'm a owner of a MK3s printer for about 6 months, and I don't know much stuff so apologies beforehand :)=

So I was having bad printings with warps in small objects and all, and I decided to try the nylocks mod. I followed the wiki and this forum link but still I get problems.

I'm doing a 7x7 mesh leveling, and I'm getting these results:

At the locations of the screws with the nylocks, the measurements are what I expect (I have to better tune them tho to match the center one, this is the last measurement after many many of them). However, the 50um - 100um difference between the highlighted region and its immediate surroundings seems a bit off, and it always is present. No matter I tighten, loosen the screws surrounding the zone.

I've seen the numbers people get with the nylock mod and I'm a bit worried about my results, and after keeping trying and trying I just gave up and called for help here. Can this major difference be mitigated somehow?

Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 11 months von Fran Perea
Veröffentlicht : 29/11/2023 5:53 am
Illustrious Member

I have never seen the point of the nylock mod - it is almost always used to 'fix' problems that are better addressed by other means.

Ignore the numbers.  How well does it print?  What were the problems that caused you to try it?  Is your machine prebuilt or kit built?


Veröffentlicht : 29/11/2023 7:12 am
Fran Perea
Themenstarter answered:
Posted by: @diem

I have never seen the point of the nylock mod - it is almost always used to 'fix' problems that are better addressed by other means.

Ignore the numbers.  How well does it print?  What were the problems that caused you to try it?  Is your machine prebuilt or kit built?


Thanks for your reply.

I am just learning as I am pretty new to this, so I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I assembled the MK3s+ kit 6 months ago.

I did not print anything with the mod assembled, just looking at octoprint and its results. I will give it a try today and see how it goes.

I tried the mod before because last time I printed -a couple of months ago- the printer did it with flying colors. But these last couple of weeks I was starting doing my own 3d models and I wanted to print them. These are relatively small objects, but all of them warped in the corners. Example (please, ignore the dust in the table lol):


The last model I printed before the mod was with a brim. It improved the result a lot but funnily enough, while the brim did not warp, the object inside did. A warp much smaller than in the pictures, truth be told. But still...

So after these prints, I installed the nylock mod. I am located in central Europe, temperatures at home here are around 17-18 degrees Celsius, where a couple of months ago they were way higher.

Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 11 months 2 mal von Fran Perea
Veröffentlicht : 30/11/2023 6:24 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Cannot flatten the heat bed, even with nylocks mod

Hi Fran, 

are you printing PLA? 
if so, have you tried 70C on the Bed?

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Veröffentlicht : 30/11/2023 12:28 pm
Illustrious Member

That's nothing to do with bed flatness, you have a combination of warping and inadequate adhesion.

@joantabb's suggestion will help with warping.  Make sure you're not printing in a draft - or instead of a skirt use the Draft shield option in Print Settings > Skirt and brim

Also about 8mm of brim should help. Set the brim seperation gap to 0.

There are other tricks like 'mouse ears' for desperate cases but try everything here first.

But long flat shapes are always prone to warping, some filaments are worse than others.  Lot's of perimeters, useful for strength, can make it worse.  Any slots or gaps in the upper layers will reduce the tensions.


Veröffentlicht : 30/11/2023 1:07 pm