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Calibrate z ! and first layer !  

Active Member
Calibrate z ! and first layer !

hi there

i have a problem with my prusa mk3 kit ... from 2 months ago my
printer print very well . Suddenly when i print a large model The
thread became very light . i stopped printing and try to clean nozzle
Unfortunately i broke heater cartridge. i order MK3 E3D V6.1 Assembled
after composing the part i got this problem with z calibrate

see this video please

it dos't go up and says Z:OK when i choose start from beginning???

and when i go from calibration -->calibrate xyz it's going up?
where is a problem?

second thing
the thread in the adjustment is very thing from the beginning before i Scroll ?!?

I hope anyone can help me:)

And sorry sor english

Posted : 19/08/2018 7:58 am
Prominent Member
Re: Calibrate z ! and first layer !

Your PINDA sensor is too high and must be lowered. Check that there is 1 mm level difference between the nozzle and the PINDA sensor. Then make a new XYZ calibration. Also, make sure that you have completely assembled your new Hotend according to the manual.

Is it a Selftest" that you show on the video? If so, the steel sheet must be mounted.
You might have chosen the wrong menu and that it was a "Calibrate XYZ" that you wanted to run? It should be run without mounted steel sheet.

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Posted : 19/08/2018 9:54 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Calibrate z ! and first layer !

thanks for replay..

Your PINDA sensor is too high and must be lowered. Check that there is 1 mm level difference between the nozzle and the PINDA sensor. Then make a new XYZ calibration. i do it and still very thin with adjustment z to 100 🙁
Also, make sure that you have completely assembled your new Hotend according to the manual.
can you explained please I bought this is it need any editing?

Is it a Selftest" that you show on the video? If so, the steel sheet must be mounted.
You might have chosen the wrong menu and that it was a "Calibrate XYZ" that you wanted to run? It should be run without mounted steel sheet.
the video from calibration---> wizard you can see x test , y test and z test on the LCD..

i know that i should to remove steel sheet from heatbed with Calibrate XYZ

thanks again

Posted : 19/08/2018 3:03 pm
Prominent Member
Re: Calibrate z ! and first layer !

What I meant was that the video showed that you run a "Selftest" without the steel plate being mounted and that is why the nozzle crashed into the bed.
Selftest should always be run with mounted steel plate so that the PINDA sensor can detect the correct height for the nozzle.

If you have managed to do an XYZ calibration (not Selftest), you should then do a "First layer calibration" where you adjust the correct Z level.

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Posted : 19/08/2018 6:25 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Calibrate z ! and first layer !

hi again
i returned a self test with sheet this is a result ( )

and here a long video from calibration XYZ
i hope you can find any thing ( )

image from pinda ( )

first layer cal adjustment z 100 ( )
next adjustment z 492()
then adjusment z 1000 () hear the sound
this is a final result

thanks a lot

Posted : 20/08/2018 12:36 pm
Prominent Member
Re: Calibrate z ! and first layer !

It was nice that you have started calibrating.
Now, just find the right Z level, which may take some time.

Keep in mind that the difference between -1000, -492 and -100 is enormously high.
When doing the Z-level fine tuning, this should be done in very small steps.
The difference between a good first layer and a worse can be as small as -505 (good), -507 (better), -510 (best).

But first, you do a rough calibration so that you find approximately the right level, then you do the fine calibration.

If you place two office paper (2 paper = 0.2 mm) between the bed and the print head, it is the correct height when the nozzle just starts scratching the paper.

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Posted : 20/08/2018 6:10 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Calibrate z ! and first layer !

hi again
i do like what you want me to do and unfortunately it doesn't works

here is the video

you can see there is no filament on the bed ... it doesn't make sense i don't reducing ....

i think there is a problem with filament or tube of them

by the way i unloading the filament and preheat it to ABC (255/100) and see some filament go out and repeated the process. also clean the nozzle, bed it doesn't works .
filament type PLA 1.75

where is the wrong ???

Posted : 21/08/2018 1:00 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Calibrate z ! and first layer !

Mine did that too. Two problems. Clearly you're getting stringing and the filament isn't sticking to the sheet. Start by washing the sheet with dish soap and water, rinse it off with water and let it dry. Hopefully the filament will stick after that.

Posted : 21/08/2018 2:50 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Calibrate z ! and first layer !

Thanks for responding
But I am already clean it with acetone 🙁

Posted : 21/08/2018 3:57 pm
Prominent Member
Re: Calibrate z ! and first layer !

You need to lower the nozzle more. The values I wrote -510 was just an example, not yours Z level. Your Z level is probably between -600 and -700.
You must adjust the Z level until you get a good first layer.

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Posted : 21/08/2018 6:14 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Calibrate z ! and first layer !

Yeah I know you just said -510 for example.
I am trying from two weeks.. and i used a machine very well on july. I don’t know what’s happend ... so I said that i thing there is a problem with filament or tube of them. Because I choose number without changing and the filament started very will and on the middle there is no filament at all.

Posted : 21/08/2018 11:40 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Calibrate z ! and first layer !

Hi there
My problem it doesn’t solve.

I see the flowing of filament is very thin .. any idea?

Posted : 24/08/2018 11:02 am