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Bumps over text bridging on first few layers of Benchy. (Picture)
I have been tuning my mk3s kit and have gone spent a lot of time on first layer tuning. This problem has stumped me.
I placed the underneath of a Benchy first layer and a successful PRUSA logo for reference.
Opublikowany : 27/09/2020 8:03 pm
RE: Bumps over text bridging on first few layers of Benchy. (Picture)
I am not sure I am seeing what you are seeing.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
Opublikowany : 29/09/2020 2:05 pm
RE: Bumps over text bridging on first few layers of Benchy. (Picture)
All of those prints look well within the normal range to me.
Opublikowany : 29/09/2020 4:02 pm
RE: Bumps over text bridging on first few layers of Benchy. (Picture)
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
Opublikowany : 29/09/2020 4:09 pm