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Bed leveling failing before printing  

Eminent Member
Bed leveling failing before printing

Hello! My Bear Mk3s has gone crazy after many months of good printing. Before printing, at the end of the first row of bed leveling, it stops and says "Sensor didnt trigger! Debris on nose?". When I try to make a xyz calibration, at the second point of calibration, the extruder doesnt go progressively down to the heatbed, but is going up. I never had such  behaviour of my printer before. Any idea of what I should do to fix this?

Publié : 02/06/2022 9:02 pm
RE: Bed leveling failing before printing

I would contact support via Chat but my guess is on the Pinda sensor.  

Posted by: @brankomer

Hello! My Bear Mk3s has gone crazy after many months of good printing. Before printing, at the end of the first row of bed leveling, it stops and says "Sensor didnt trigger! Debris on nose?". When I try to make a xyz calibration, at the second point of calibration, the extruder doesnt go progressively down to the heatbed, but is going up. I never had such  behaviour of my printer before. Any idea of what I should do to fix this?


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 03/06/2022 11:06 am
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