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Bed Calibration point still not found  

New Member
Bed Calibration point still not found

Hello! I have a MK3 printer that I recently assembled that continues to fail on the first of the four points in the XYZ calibration.

There is one alteration I made to the assembly. When assembling the printer, one of the screws refused to go in all the way (due to what I am assuming is some form of deformed thread inside) on the right side x-end idler. This meant that this screw would hit the top of the z-axis-top part before it should. To compensate for this, I attached a piece of plastic to the screw on the left side of the x-end-idler to match heights of both screws. Could this be affecting the calibration? Initial z-axis calibration during the xyz calibration does not show any problems.

In addition, after consulting with this on how to troubleshoot the problem, Step 5 seems to be my only concern. When I perform the "Auto-home" command, the probe does not go to the area shown on the picture.

Apart from that, I do not see any problems with the assembly. My P.I.N.D.A probe is set to a zip-tie's length away from the nozzle, the self test went fine and my extruder and plate can move without hindrance on all axes.

Any help on this situation would be appreciated!

Veröffentlicht : 06/08/2018 5:04 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Bed Calibration point still not found

Apart from that, I do not see any problems with the assembly. My P.I.N.D.A probe is set to a zip-tie's length away from the nozzle, the self test went fine and my extruder and plate can move without hindrance on all axes.

I think (hope) you meant thickness, though I don't see how the PINDA could be up that high. 😯

IIRC, from... "The Manual": If the nozzle catches on the paper during the
process, power off the printer and lower the PINDA probe slightly.

That whole paper thing has never sat quite right with me anyway; no-one ever specified what weight paper to use. Some sources say 20# is "standard", yet I've seen 16#, 18#, 20#, & 24# all referred to as "multipurpose copy paper". (Metric equivalents: 60.2, 67.72, 75.2, 90.3 g/square meter). Thicknesses, respectively: 0.081mm, 0.092mm, 0.097mm, 0.12mm.

Maybe it doesn't matter; there's only 0.04mm difference between thinnest & thickest... OTOH, IIRC, someone mentioned doing z adjusts in 0.02mm increments.


That's "MISTER Old Fart" to you!

Veröffentlicht : 06/08/2018 7:02 pm
Prominent Member
Re: Bed Calibration point still not found

This meant that this screw would hit the top of the z-axis-top part before it should. To compensate for this, I attached a piece of plastic to the screw on the left side of the x-end-idler to match heights of both screws. Could this be affecting the calibration? Initial z-axis calibration during the xyz calibration does not show any problems.

Ravi, you have to fix the screw as you say you can not mount correctly.
Calibration of your printer will not work if this screw collides with Z-axis top parts.

Make sure you have not used a screw that is too long. If it is the correct screw, you must disassemble the X device so that you can replace the defective nut.
Also check that there is no debris in the hole that blocks the screw.
The upper part of the x-end idler and motor holder must meet the screws that secure Z-axis top parts.
If they do not, then the Z level will be measured incorrectly and the calibration will not work.

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Veröffentlicht : 07/08/2018 10:14 am