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Bear Bondtech X-Axis won't calibrate.  

Eminent Member
Bear Bondtech X-Axis won't calibrate.

Forgive me if this isn't the correct place for this question, but seeing there were other questions about the Bear upgrade, I'm hoping to find some help.  I installed the Bondtech upgrade to my full Bear upgrade some time ago.  I had a couple parts that had cracked and the bearing were making noise so I reprinted everything and got it back together and printing.  But because I change things on all 3 axis, I wanted to run through the calibration again.  I know special firmware is needed because of differences in the sizes to the original parts, and I had done it in the past.  Only this time, I cannot get it to pass the X-Axis calibration.  I have tried several different versions of firmware that are suppose to have the changes needed, but they all fail on the X-Axis.  I have checked and double checked that there is nothing interfering with the X-Axis movement.  I'm not sure what to do next to get the printer working again.

Napsal : 20/03/2020 2:46 am