Bad solid-infill but good top-solid-infill?
Mk3 I3S+ printer.
My layers 1 and 2 look very under-extruded, both not filling to the perimeter and not meshing with adjacent lines. I didnt check 3-7 which are the same infill type "solid infill". Yet my z=1.6mm which is a top-solid-infill is very smooth and nice!
What is confusing me is that...
Top Solid Infill:Goal is 0.4mm, actual is 0.5mm yet looks nice - not under-extruded yet delta is 0.1mm
Solid Infill:Goal is 0.45mm, actual is 0.4mm - under extruded yet delta is only 0.05mm
My first layer calibration is not under-extruded at all so i'm quite confused?
Fist layer calibration:
Layer 1: (solid infill)
Layer 2: (solid infill)
Layer z=1.6mm (top solid infill)
Your Z offset looks a little high. You need to make it more negative.
Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog
Thanks - I did a first layer calibration using my own model - this allowed me to verify the G-code, also I think the firmware first-layer-cal uses a different extrusion amount or width which makes it kind of useless.
In short i didnt actually change any settings z= -1.3mm, and then reprinted the bad prints (same g-code) and they came out OK!
I think maybe it started using the calibration for a different sheet or something - who knows
So basically error unknown - bad print now works with no setting changes.
Anyway thanks!