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Auto Home Perfect - Calibration Fails?!  

New Member
Auto Home Perfect - Calibration Fails?!

So I've got a real weird issue on my hands seeing as it makes no logical sense to me. This is my first "real" 3D printer (my janky M3D doesn't count) and the first time I've built one.

If I dive into printer's menu and tell it to auto home, it locks in perfectly - PINDA right in the dotted circle. But when I try to start the XYZ calibration then the Z axis goes all the way like it should, then comes down and lands here:

What's so odd is that it's on a "diagonal" from the circle which (in my limited experience) would imply that there's more than one axis that's misbehaving - but then why does it work perfectly when I tell it to Auto Home?

Steps taken so far:
Full factory reset
Rebuilt extruder assembly
Self Test (which works just dandy and passes until hitting the same point as the XYZ calibration)
Fiddled with the height of the PINDA
Took a level to literally EVERYTHING to ensure it was all on the pun intended
Sacrificed a spool of filament to Joseph Prusa in a demonic ritual
Cried for many hours on end

Any suggestions? Anyone? I fear I'm risking dehydration from all the crying at this point.

Postato : 11/06/2018 4:10 am
Reputable Member
Re: Auto Home Perfect - Calibration Fails?!

Is the calibration failing? Are you hitting any errors or problems?

IIRC, during XYZ calibration the printer goes to the place that you are showing in the picture. Later, at some point in the test it tries to find the 9 circles on the heatbed.

Postato : 11/06/2018 4:29 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Auto Home Perfect - Calibration Fails?!

Is the calibration failing? Are you hitting any errors or problems?

IIRC, during XYZ calibration the printer goes to the place that you are showing in the picture. Later, at some point in the test it tries to find the 9 circles on the heatbed.

Thanks for the quick reply. When it hits the point seen in the picture, the printer just stops the calibration completely and says to check the axes. It never goes to the nine since it never even finds the first four.

To clarify, the order it goes in is as follows:

Either Auto Home or Run Self Test - All good.
Next run XYZ calibration.
Z-Axis climbs up, goes just fine.
Z-Axis comes down, ends up where you see it, errors out wth the checking axes error.

It's almost as if during the calibration it either "thinks" it's bottoming out or it isn't shifting the X and Y Axis accordingly to find the first calibration position.

EDIT: Oh, and there's ample clearance between the nozzle and the bed - it's not physically crashing into the bed. The probe and nozzle look to be at the perfect height as shown in the manuals.

Postato : 11/06/2018 4:33 am
Active Member
Re: Auto Home Perfect - Calibration Fails?!

Did you ever figure this out? I'm having the EXACT same issue and it's driving me crazy

Postato : 03/09/2018 3:32 am
New Member
Re: Auto Home Perfect - Calibration Fails?!

I'm also have exactly the same issue - just finished building. Self test completes OK. I've checked everything multiple times - can't see anything wrong. From looking through the forums, this seems to be a common problem. Would be good to know what is causing this error to help troubleshoot.

Postato : 03/09/2018 3:39 am
Active Member
Re: Auto Home Perfect - Calibration Fails?!


Calibration > Auto Home = Works Perfectly

Calibration > Calibrate XYZ = Auto Home calibration doesn't go back to the home spot before going up for the Z calibration

Postato : 03/09/2018 3:50 am
New Member
Re: Auto Home Perfect - Calibration Fails?!

I figured out my problem. I think what is happening is that one of the trapezoidal nuts is tight. At the start of the xyz calibration - I think the arm is first supposed to goto the top of the Z travel direction - however it was stopping early - I'm guessing it detected friction due to the tight nut and thought it was at the top. Then when it went back down and the PINDA probe detected the bed - it fails - since it hasn't completed the full range of Z travel.

I was able to get it to pass the xyz calibration by using the move Z function to move the arm to the top Z position. Then when it starts the calibration - it is already in the start position so the tight trapezoid nut is unable to cause the fault. Doing this allowed it to pass XYZ calibration.

Postato : 03/09/2018 4:37 am
Active Member
Re: Auto Home Perfect - Calibration Fails?!

How does that work?

Also, my issue wasn't Z calibration it's the sensor not going to home at the beginning of the calibration. Even though Auto Home works perfectly... 🙁

I'm so lost

Postato : 03/09/2018 4:50 am
Active Member
Re: Auto Home Perfect - Calibration Fails?!

I'm a MORON!!!

My extruder wasn't installed correctly. That's what I get for not using better lighting and building it when I was tired... Also, those instructions REALLY REALLY need two more pictures. One showing how it shouldn't look and one showing how it should look (from a different angle...)

Extruder wasn't set in the right position (there's the two lips and for some reason it fits great when not in the right position... 🙁

Anyway, took it apart and fixed it up and it now runs the calibration fine at the start. (Catching the paper just slightly on 2 of 4 so I'm not sure where to go from here...

Postato : 03/09/2018 8:10 am
Active Member
Re: Auto Home Perfect - Calibration Fails?!

Extruder wasn't set in the right position (there's the two lips and for some reason it fits great when not in the right position... 🙁

Can you elaborate on that? How would that be noticeable?

Postato : 13/09/2018 4:00 pm