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Assembly went brilliantly  

Active Member
Assembly went brilliantly

Seen so many frustrations on the forums. Just wanted to share a positive assembly.

MK3 Kit.
Everything went perfect. No problems with square screws not fitting in traps.
Noticed the need to read ahead in the instructions to make sure that each step ended positively.

First calibration went smooth.
First print (logo) went smooth.

Changed to my own filament and my own design. Sliced it with Slic3r PE. Printed it at .15.
Blew the cobwebs away with heat gun.

Have absolutely nothing to complain about. Except that this printer was for my workplace.
Now I want one for home use.

I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that I have a daVinci Pro 1.0 and my excuse is that my wife bought it as a Christmas present.
Have just decided that the daVinci goes straight to the recycling place when I get home from work.

Regards, SirLoin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best advice I ever got: Always fly above ground.

Napsal : 20/11/2018 2:04 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Assembly went brilliantly

That's a pretty cool post !
Totally join you with the kit I received couple of months ago. That's a bloody good printer !

Napsal : 20/11/2018 2:52 pm
New Member
Re: Assembly went brilliantly

I ordered the kit and am pretty nervous about building it. I hope it goes as well as your experience.

Do you have advice to share?

Napsal : 02/12/2018 7:43 pm
Mustrum Ridcully
Honorable Member
Re: Assembly went brilliantly

I ordered the kit and am pretty nervous about building it. I hope it goes as well as your experience.

Do you have advice to share?

I have had some nice PMs from folks that they found this thread useful for their assembly

Napsal : 02/12/2018 7:47 pm
Peter in Katy
Estimable Member
Re: Assembly went brilliantly

I ordered the kit and am pretty nervous about building it. I hope it goes as well as your experience.

Do you have advice to share?

Make sure you are also following the online version of the assembly manual while building. The comments for each step can prove to be invaluable. It's also a lot easier to zoom in on the pictures. 😀

Take your time. There's really no rush.

Good luck and enjoy!

Napsal : 03/12/2018 12:42 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Assembly went brilliantly

I ordered the kit and am pretty nervous about building it. I hope it goes as well as your experience.

Do you have advice to share?

My favourite three bits of advice will be these:

Do not use powertools. Use the tools provided. If you use the short length of the Allen Key between your fingers, you only use "reasonable force". People seem to forget that they are screwing into plastic paarts, that might crack or break. And a lot of comments on YT-videos seem to suggest agressive use of force and/or powertools.

Read ahead in the assembly manual. Don't forget to look at all the pictures very closely.
If you read the whole chapter, you will be able to anticipate.
As an example I will mention assemblinng the frame. Following the instructions it could seem that it is a good idea to tighten the screws right away. Later you are told to make sure that the whole frame is alligned and doesn't wobble. Why tighten first? The screws to the upright are OK, but the screws for the end bits can wait until you have all of them in their respective holes. Then hold down the frame while you tighten them. Remember to tighten diagonally.
The main frame is the most important part when you want to make sure the whole rig wil calibrate correctly.

Same thing with the holders for the y-axis rods. Read ahead.
Wait until you have the bed assembled and mounted before you tighten the screws to the rod rests.

Regards, SirLoin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best advice I ever got: Always fly above ground.

Napsal : 03/12/2018 9:28 pm