Anyone else having the error with the printer losing its home location?????
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Anyone else having the error with the printer losing its home location?????  

New Member
Anyone else having the error with the printer losing its home location?????

I have the latest MK3S, put it together yesterday, and am running the most recent firmware. During my first print however (buddy the pug), the printer stopped on its own, reported a crash error, then asked me if I wanted to continue where I left off. The extruded was immediately over the print at this time. I selected yes, and the extruded seemed to think it was in the home position, and began slamming into the right support. It stopped on its own again, listed a crash error, and asked if I wanted to continue the print. At this point the extruded was up against the right support.

I cancelled, did a factory reset, flashed the firmware to the latest version, ran the calibration wizard, and then was able to make a successful buddy print.

However, this same issue happens even when I manually stop the print; that is, I select the menu, and select “stop print”. So, this is what I’ve gathered:

Wherever the extruder was on the xyz axis when the printer stopped mid print for any reason gets stored as the printer’s new home location. When I select “auto home” that’s the location where the print head goes. If I start a print at that point, the extruder either crashes into the right support beam or digs the heated nozzle tip into the print bed. The only workaround I’ve found short of factory resetting/full calibration is to run the self test. But this is annoying because it takes around 10-15 minutes for everything to cool down to run the test, and then I also can never resume printing should the printer stop for what ever reason.

I’ve checked the Prusa forums and other users have described this exact issue, but no resolutions have been communicated yet. Have any of you had this problem? Have you been able to fix it?

Opublikowany : 21/02/2019 1:59 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Anyone else having the error with the printer losing its home location?????

You most probably will get that kind of information rather in the MK3 forum than here in the MK2S forum.

Opublikowany : 21/02/2019 2:17 pm