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Any caveats to solid or near-solid printing?  

Eminent Member
Any caveats to solid or near-solid printing?

I would like to make a set of chess pieces, and I would like them to have weight, not in the sense of being really heavy, but in the sense of not being wafts; the obvious adaptation I see being to slice a set of chess pieces from Thingiverse at 100% fill.

Are there any caveats or warnings, such as that for XYZ technical reason, I would be better off at 90-95% fill than 100%?

My understanding is that things are usually printed at between 10-20% in the interests of being faster and cheaper. I just wanted to know if there would be unexpected drawbacks to a solid fill,other than the obvious fact that it may print slower and will use more filnament.

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Respondido : 02/05/2021 9:49 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Any caveats to solid or near-solid printing?

You can have problems with heat dissipation with solid prints, as in there’s so much hot plastic in a small area that it causes issues. If you want weight then do the sensible thing and create hollows in the bottom of the pieces and glue in metal parts, such as washers or nuts then glue on a piece of felt to cover the area.

Hollows can be added using cad preferably but you can also use a modifier in PS to remove a cylindrical section. 
https://forum.prusa3d.com/forum/english-forum-awesome-prints-hall-of-fame/chess-sets/  For example


Respondido : 02/05/2021 9:57 pm