After several successful prints, I can't recalibrate my MK3
I assembled my kit and was able to get it configured. I used the calibration 75x75 sheet to figure out my Live-Z setting and I had it dialed in. Printed several 1 hour - 4 hour sample prints that all came out great.
Then I tried a 36 hour print and 23-24 hours in, I had a birds nest. Ever since that birds nest I can't get anything to print well. I don't know where to begin to figure it out. I've printed out several of the test sheets and wrote the Live-Z setting on it. The .900 seems to be the best, but still bad. My first attempt at configuring my sample print left me with a perfect sheet once I finalized the correct Z-setting.
Please tell me where I need to look to figure out how to get the printer printing well again. Thanks!
Re: After several successful prints, I can't recalibrate my MK3
Any ideas?
Re: After several successful prints, I can't recalibrate my MK3
-0.875 would be my pick.
It's really hard to say; but a prime reason for print failure is poor bed adhesion. And 99% of the time that's due to contamination on the bed. When was the last time you soap and water washed the bed, that is, the PEI sheet?
Re: After several successful prints, I can't recalibrate my MK3
I'm pretty diligent about alcohol after every print. I'll do soap and water tonight and try a full sheet at .875 tomorrow and update. Thanks.
Re: After several successful prints, I can't recalibrate my MK3
Hard to tell from the pics but some of that looks like under extrusion or a partial clog, since I can't really see any balled-up stuff indicating the missing bits are from poor adhesion.
Couldn't hurt to also do a cold pull on your filament to remove any gunk in the extruder that might have cooked. Could also be the cause of the birds-nest if your print lost a layer or two as a result.
Re: After several successful prints, I can't recalibrate my MK3
I'm still not getting good prints. I don't know how to diagnose this thing.
Re: After several successful prints, I can't recalibrate my MK3
did you try recalibrating the Z (motor goes all the way to the top) wonder if something happened and it got your Z motors off from eachother.
I have a Prusa,therefore I research.
Re: After several successful prints, I can't recalibrate my MK3
I had an issue not too long ago where I reloaded the firmware to the printer and fixed a problem. One day it was working fine and the next couldn't print to the bed.
I downloaded a large one layer/first layer print object. You start the print and adjust live Z while it's printing.
Re: After several successful prints, I can't recalibrate my MK3
Still the same issues. I can't get a clean calibration sheet.
Re: After several successful prints, I can't recalibrate my MK3
did you try recalibrating the Z (motor goes all the way to the top) wonder if something happened and it got your Z motors off from eachother.
Yes, I did the full calibration wizard. What are the resources I can use to try to fix this? Does Prusa have a tech support number?
Re: After several successful prints, I can't recalibrate my MK3
goto the prusa e shop and click on chat. they are always around.
I have a Prusa,therefore I research.
Re: After several successful prints, I can't recalibrate my MK3
Can somebody please tell me where the "chat" button is on the prusa eshop page. I can't find it. Thanks!
Re: After several successful prints, I can't recalibrate my MK3
it should pop up on the bottom of the screen when on the page.. it isn't popping up on my computer right now.. but on my phone it is showing up
I have a Prusa,therefore I research.