After a few Days of fine printing 1st Layer adhesion and flow Problems
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After a few Days of fine printing 1st Layer adhesion and flow Problems  

Active Member
After a few Days of fine printing 1st Layer adhesion and flow Problems

After a few days of fine printing problems arose. First the second layer won't stick to the first (other thread).

But meanwhile even the first layer won't stick to the print surface (Cleaned it with alcohol and acetone no change).

I ran the Z Calibration a lot of times, but even there the filament (tried different ones) won't stick.

The Filament sticks well in the cleaning area and in the beginning of print bot nur when printing the zig zag lines, these are very thin and just lying on the printbed.

Every try to print something crashes and build a big blob aound the nozzle.

The Nozzle is cleaned, cold pull done, etc.

Any clues ?

Thanks a lot


Veröffentlicht : 16/01/2021 8:46 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: After a few Days of fine printing 1st Layer adhesion and flow Problems

Short additional Info on Filament: Tried with Filamentum PLA White and Galaxy Black, Prusament PLA Silver.

Temp: 215°C on first layer

Veröffentlicht : 16/01/2021 9:03 pm
RE: After a few Days of fine printing 1st Layer adhesion and flow Problems


The live Z appears to be off.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Veröffentlicht : 17/01/2021 1:12 am
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: After a few Days of fine printing 1st Layer adhesion and flow Problems

Clean bed with dish soap and nothing else. Use a lot of hot water.

If you use alcohol, use a whole lot of this. Every few prints use dish soap to get it real clean. Acetone destroys the bed, do not use.

Your first layer is not low enough, you have holes in the square.

The lines if these are not square , the you are to high.

Change settings in the printer, calibration to 7x7.

Diese r Beitrag wurde geändert Vor 4 years von Peter M
Veröffentlicht : 17/01/2021 2:10 pm
Eminent Member
RE: After a few Days of fine printing 1st Layer adhesion and flow Problems

You said it printed fine for a few days? And you didn't change anything before it started failing?

Have you checked the tension on the idler screw?

Another thing to check is the grub-screw holding the drive gear to the shaft - if this works loose then the extrusion will be inconsistent.

Veröffentlicht : 17/01/2021 10:46 pm
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: After a few Days of fine printing 1st Layer adhesion and flow Problems

Ok, cleaning the bed with a lot of dish soap and hot water AND rerunning Z first layer calibration (ended 0,2mm deeper than before) did it.

Thanks a lot


Veröffentlicht : 18/01/2021 11:04 am