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After 3 months with MK3 kit  

New Member
After 3 months with MK3 kit

Recommendations to the owners of MK3 kit before they start to assemble it. This will save you a lot of time.
1) Check all rods (3 of them was not straight and all was not round (7.8-7.95mm)
2) Check if the aluminum frame is flat
3) Check if the heated plate is flat
4) Check if the hotend is assembled well (my heat break was loose from both sides, choke up and finally ordered a new complete hotend from e3d)
Good link how to do this:
5) For the bearings - you can find info in the forum. Finally replaced all
6) Printed parts on x-axis are bad - look at the picture. Other problem here is the different distance between rods in printed parts for X carriage, X-end motor side and X-end idler - between 44.8 and 45mm

Finally assembled printer gives difference (measured with a dial gauge fixed on cooler place) up to 350um on the heated bed

Napsal : 14/04/2018 2:42 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: After 3 months with MK3 kit

After additional 4 months fight with MK3:
- changed power supply - this help for random restarts, but not for unstable temperatures on the bed, nozzle, room, pinda. Problems with restarts was from the begging, temperature problems after 1 month. I had the same fluctuated temperatures from all sources in range 18-30 deg. Printer is in a room with temperature around 23 deg. Original 24V power supply gives 3-5 volts ripple, measured with scope. So strongly recommend you to change the power supply, else you can order a new einsy rambo like me.
- new heatbed support, produced locally on milling machine.
- new, this time flat heatbed. Cloned one. Original one was curved 200um and with 15 deg temperature variations on the surface. Look the attached picture of the temperature on the original one.
- new z axis motors. One of the motors had 300um axial play. Reason for that - ball bearing spring washers in steppers. One Z stepper motor was with 0.1mm, other with 0.3mm thick washer. Check your motors with axial force on the z-stepper motors. Look the other attached pictures.
Finally the printer is working fine, but i spent for parts and tools more than purchase price. Didn't cont the time.

From the original printer remained:
- frame
- 3 stepper motors
- pinda
- display
- thermistor
- heater
- extruder gears
- 2 fans

Napsal : 14/08/2018 5:53 pm