3DBenchy Defects
I just finished assembling my printer, including the calibrations, and I have a few questions, first one is easy:
(1) Does the first layer calibration have an impact on subsequent print layers? (other than impacts caused by the first layer not sticking that is)
(2) I've printed the 3DBenchy from the SD card twice and I get the same defect shown in the photo on both prints. Any thoughts as to what I have set wrong?
RE: 3DBenchy Defects
(1) Does the first layer calibration have an impact on subsequent print layers? (other than impacts caused by the first layer not sticking that is)
Answer is, no. When we talk about first layer, we have two main things in mind: it must stick to bed and it must be evenly flat (usually at layer thickness of about 0.2mm). That should guarantee, that layer(s) above will print as expected.
[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]
Answer is yes
A crappy first layer will usually make subsequent layers bumpy, rough, stringy. In the case of PETG, a first layer that is too low will cause filament strings to start building up on the nozzle, which will definitely impact every layer in the print. If the globs get too large they fall and deposit on the print, and eventually cause a crash. So yes, the first layer is important for the success of the whole print.
RE: 3DBenchy Defects
I did forget, the 3DBenchy in the photo is printed using the PLA spool that came with the kit, not sure if that will help diagnosing the gaps in the photo.
Thanks for the help so far.