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Error selftest  

Active Member
Error selftest

En la primera comprobación luego de ensamblarlo me sale
" Calentador / termistor
No hay conexión "
He comprobado las conexiones y todas parecen estar bien.
He leído en el foro en inglés que debido a un fallo del firmware desconectando el cable pinda durante el test podía solucionarlo pero a mí no me ha servido.
Alguna recomendación? A que puede deberse el error?
La impresora es de agosta de 2018 pero la armé recién ahora. Hay un nuevo firmware para probar.

Opublikowany : 05/02/2019 4:42 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Error selftest

Encontré esta solución y me ha servido. La dejo aquí por si a alguien le es útil.

I am posting this here as it seems to be the best place to. I experienced a similar fault on my kit printer shipped on Jan 7th 2019. I could not pass the self test and it would give me the "Heater/Thermistor Not connected" during the self test. I updated to the latest firmware 3.5.1 and after looking over the wiring and checking for continuity still did not work. I decided to do a pre warm up on the heater and bed and both worked and regulated their temperatures. I then went to the calibration wizard and ran the calibration again and it waited for the bed and nozzle to cool down. The self test then worked and I was able to complete calibration. Now let me explain. My shop is in the attached and somewhat heated garage and ambient temperature is around 55 to 60 degrees right now during the winter. Like the post above indicates the timeout threshold is too short if the ambient temperature is too low around the printer. Printer has been running fine ever since. So if you come across this problem perhaps it is too cold where you are storing the printer. Good Luck printing!

Opublikowany : 11/02/2019 10:24 am
Member Moderator
Re: Error selftest

¿Estaba muy fría la habitación donde probaste la impresora?

Opublikowany : 22/03/2019 12:52 pm