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calibration PINDA temperature
MK3 firmware 3.7.0 -2201
I have adhesion problem depending on the temperature of the PINDA
the calibration of the temperature stops at step 6/6
i performed it tests i get big offset from z
pinda a 30=- 0.760
pinda a 35 =-0.795
pinda 40=- 0.975
pinda 45 =-1.250
pinda a 50=- 1.550
(T) = (live_adjust (35) - live_adjust (T)) * 400
the M861 command does not work in pronterface
Veröffentlicht : 28/04/2019 2:33 pm
RE: calibration PINDA temperature
For the calibration sequence to succeed, the printer must be in a warm place without drafts. Best in an enclosure, but putting a plastic bag over the printer works just as well. Otherwise the PINDA sensor never reaches the temperature required for step 6.
Veröffentlicht : 28/04/2019 3:45 pm