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Where to get hot bed spacers?  

Trusted Member
Where to get hot bed spacers?


I'm looking for the metal hot bed spacers for my Mk3s+. They are only £1.29 each but the postage is £11 (!!!!!!). Stuff that, so anybody know of another route to buy in the UK. £11 delivery for a few spacers is insane.



Publié : 25/06/2023 2:08 pm
Famed Member
RE: Where to get hot bed spacers?

The spacers appear, to me, to be very generic items.  Any well-stocked hardware store should have them.

I would suggest that you use a complete set of one brand, however, and not mix original with replacement.  I would think, intuitively, that the variation in height of the spacers is more significant than overall fractional mm absolute height.

Publié : 25/06/2023 2:42 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Where to get hot bed spacers?


Thanks. My nearest "well stocked hardware store" is around two hours each way 🙂 I do agree that replacing the lot is the way to go though and to recalibrate the Prusa.

I'll keep searching the Internet in the UK.

Best wishes


Publié : 25/06/2023 2:46 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Where to get hot bed spacers?

Finally worked to use stand offs in the search , not spacer. That shows lots of options and ordered 10 off eBay for a few pounds. 


Publié : 26/06/2023 6:30 am
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