Is this bed level deviation OK?
I just re-calibrated z-offset with 5x5cm square in center and it's almost perfect, just tiny gaps on edges but that might be flow. The problem I have is that when I printed test pattern from the left and right edge squares are not as good (tiny gaps, some adhesion problems). I ran bed visualise via octoprint and it kind of looks like it matches what I'm seeing. The printer is factory assembled and has just couple of days of printing on it (I have it form over an year now).
I uploaded results here:
Any advise would be appreciated.
Please show us the first layer.
Go a little lower with the first layer 'Z' calibration until the centre square is right, then revisit the level correction. You will be 'tilting' virtually around the centre so that's the point to get right first.
RE: Is this bed level deviation OK?
But it was (is) right. Check 2nd picture.
Go lower until it start to ripple then back off until it *just* stops. You are close but it could be a little better.
RE: Is this bed level deviation OK?
Thanks. That helped. Still wondering is my bed normal/good/bad though.
Try some regular printing. My guess is that it will perform OK.