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[Gelöst] Y & Z errors - upgrading from MK3S to 3.9  

Y & Z errors - upgrading from MK3S to 3.9

So I'm having the same Y axis test failure on my upgrade that a lot of other folks are having as well as the Z axis test just stopping (no check mark, no ex, just stops - the carriage is always stopping with the nozzle about 5cm above the bed.

In regards to the Y axis, when the Y carriage (old style) reaches the back, there is about 2mm between the bearing and the frame - the belt tensioner is what is making contact with the motor bracket. In the front, the left bearing is able to make contact with the frame (don't know if that's where the carriage is stopping during the tests).

I haven't really started looking at what my options are with the Z axis. I just realized this was an issue because I decided to run through the calibrations separately to see if everything else is working.

This is a bit frustrating because the original assembly of the MK3S had zero issues.


Veröffentlicht : 14/06/2024 8:22 pm
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Y & Z errors - upgrading from MK3S to 3.9

Got it fixed - it was the "hold one of the allen keys on the left rail so the bearing will hit it when traveling forward" fix for the Y axis and the Z axis played nicely after Y passed. So glad that I didn't muck with the belt (that was the worst part of the assembly).

Veröffentlicht : 16/06/2024 6:28 pm
RE: Y & Z errors - upgrading from MK3S to 3.9

can you explain the "hold one of the allen keys on the left rail so the bearing will hit it when traveling forward". Where did you hear that. 

I'm having issues with the y-axis test, but I tried holding an allen key like you said and it didn't fix the issue.

Veröffentlicht : 01/07/2024 3:00 am