PLA leaks out of the nozzel before printing, during calibration
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PLA leaks out of the nozzel before printing, during calibration  

PLA leaks out of the nozzel before printing, during calibration

A string of PLA constantly leaks out of the nozzle during heatup and during the the z-axis calibration. this string is pushed against the not nozzle where it sticks, creating one or multiple blobs. These come loose (or maybe start dripping from the hot noozle?) during the first layer, creating blobs that are pushed around during the first layer, usually ruining it.


I tried to pause the print print after the calibration and cleaning the nozzle. But moving the axis, removing it takes quite a while. During this while the nozzle cools down. This cooldown make it so that a reheating is required that takes long enough for more PLA to leak out, brining me back to where i started.

I'm using Black PLA-Prusament with the corresponding PrusaSlicer 2.6 profile "0.2 mm Speed".


How do I fix this?

Dieses Thema wurde geändert Vor 1 year 3 mal von Miko2342
Veröffentlicht : 27/07/2023 6:45 pm
Themenstarter answered:
RE: PLA leaks out of the nozzel before printing, during calibration

I think making this initial, very wide line across the X-Axis, I don't know how it's called, longer would help. Some stuff come loos there, but it it would be longer, that would be better.

Veröffentlicht : 27/07/2023 6:58 pm
Noble Member
RE: PLA leaks out of the nozzel before printing, during calibration

Do you mean actual "leaking" because your nozzle ist not tightly screwed in or rather "oozing", that is material comes out of the nozzle where it should but not when it should. Oozing shouldn't get all messy on the nozzle but usually rather hangs down the nozzle as a short string. 

If you have an oozing problem one could have a look at retraction settings at the startup, pulling the filament further back during heatup. Alternatively if all you need is a longer priming line that is an easy thing to do. Have a look at the start g-code in Prusa Slicer. The movement of the priming line is written there. All you need to do is adding a very short y-movement to move towards another lane and then a long x-movement for the additional line, analog to the already existing priming movement. 

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Veröffentlicht : 28/07/2023 10:28 am
Themenstarter answered:
RE: PLA leaks out of the nozzel before printing, during calibration

It's coming out where it should, but it's also coming out when it shouldn't, so i guess that's oozing.

I did both increase retraction and made changed the priming line.

It's not gone completely, but it works.

Veröffentlicht : 28/07/2023 7:53 pm
Noble Member
RE: PLA leaks out of the nozzel before printing, during calibration

If you talking about the mesh bed leveling, you might want to check out Bobstro's start GCode:


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Veröffentlicht : 29/07/2023 3:12 pm