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Z-Axis skewed  

Active Member
Z-Axis skewed

I started noticing some of my prints get some layer separation after about 5 mm or so. I noticed that the Z-axis was skewed and re-calibrated it.
Thought it was the spool of PETG wound too tight so I kept it loose until I saw that it was skewed again and the layers separating. This axis skew was visible to the naked eye.
Now I knew it was not due to the spool being too tight and tugging on the extruder, so I started checking the two Z-axis screws. I notices that they would both move smoothly, then out of now where I could feel the right one jump. This happened every now and then, always the right side with the extra movement. I also noticed the right motor was much hotter than the left motor.

Note: I have had my printer for a bit and mostly print PLA. I just printed a chestburster for Halloween, and it was 4-5 inches tall. No layer separation or axis skewing.

I was on firmware 3.0.8, I am upgrading it now.

I am going to Calibrate again, print the V2 calibration and dial in the live Z adjust, then print the tree frog on PLA and see what happens.

Opublikowany : 07/11/2016 1:07 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Z-Axis skewed

Calibrate Z ended up pushing down the bed on point 8. Very scary!
Checked the Zip ties on my bearings and they appear secure.
ok, doing a full XYZ calibration, it is worth the time.

Started catching the paper... Adjusting Pinda probe and starting again 🙂

Opublikowany : 07/11/2016 1:25 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Z-Axis skewed

OK - X/Y axes are perpendicular.
Note to self and all Prusa i3 (original) owners: After 5 or 6 good prints, use locktite on the threads of the pinda probe! As Josef would say: "It's in the Printing Handbook!"

This probably was not my skewed Z axis issue, but needed a good starting base to troubleshoot from.

Now on to the frog from the supplied files.

Opublikowany : 07/11/2016 1:42 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Z-Axis skewed

correction: V2 calibration with live z tuning first, then frog.

Opublikowany : 07/11/2016 1:44 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Z-Axis skewed

Was printing a couple of the v2 calibrations and noticed the right side creeping up again. Just moved the Z all the way up to make sure it was level before continuing.
Dialed in the live z axis adjust till the first layer of the Prusa logo plate was near glass like.
Printing the frog now.

Opublikowany : 09/11/2016 1:52 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Z-Axis skewed

Frog printed fine, so I moved on to the part I wanted to print.
Used PLA and Slic3r.
Printed fine, but at the end I noticed the right side creeping up again.
I leveled teh Z by moving it all the way up and started the same part in PETG.
Right side must have creeped up faster this time because not only was it noticeably off, but something caught on the print and caused a major layer shift with everything printing significantly further off to the left.

Opublikowany : 12/11/2016 9:49 pm
New Member
Re: Z-Axis skewed

I would suggest removing the x-axis assembly and turning each z screw by hand to see if one or the other is bound up or offers greater resistance. If this is the case, I'd try some lubricant (3-in-one oil for instance) to see if the stiff motor would loosen up to match the other one. If both motors turn equally easily, check the perpindicularity of the z-axis assembly. Perhaps the problem is coming from off-axis forces due to misalignment.

Especially with one motor getting hotter, this is a mechanical problem.

Opublikowany : 29/11/2016 8:34 pm