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Z-Axis Not Moving Well  

Eminent Member
Z-Axis Not Moving Well

When I watched the troubleshooting video with Mr. Prusa, I realized that my z-axis always sounds the way his did when it reached the top of the movement and the motors started making a bunch of noise.

It barely moves on it's own, but it will move a bit better if I help it a little.

I'm guessing something isn't properly aligned, but I don't know where to begin. X and Y movement is fine, I expect the Z should at least be like those but possibly slower.

If I turn the motors by hand, it doesn't seem like anything is binding and it seems to move fairly well.

I have the latest firmware and the self test passes (as long as I start it with the z axis near where the probe will trigger).

Thanks for any ideas on what I might try next.

Publié : 24/07/2017 1:57 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Z-Axis Not Moving Well

For lack of a better idea, I removed the z-axis motors and then hooked them individually to the x-axis spot on the controller. The left one seems fine but the right one never turns, it just shakes.

Next I'll see if the wire test with a multi-meter works, but I've lost my multi-meter it seems.

Publié : 24/07/2017 3:18 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Z-Axis Not Moving Well

I read in another post that there should be continuity through each pair but not across pairs. I see continuity between any 2 wires that I choose.

I'm making the assumption that the pairs are sequential on the connector, but does that even matter if the continuity is weird?

Should I cut and strip the wires nearer to the motor and check? I don't see any visible signs of wire issues so I feel like the wires wouldn't be able to short against each other for the weird continuity, but maybe the connector is the problem? I'm testing at the pins. Is it possible the connector is shorting all the pins together?

Publié : 24/07/2017 6:34 am
Membre Moderator
Re: Z-Axis Not Moving Well

...Should I cut and strip the wires nearer to the motor and check? I don't see any visible signs of wire issues so I feel like the wires wouldn't be able to short against each other for the weird continuity, but maybe the connector is the problem? I'm testing at the pins. Is it possible the connector is shorting all the pins together?

both z-axis steppers (the right and the left one) are parallel connected at the rambo board. it's the right idea to measure the pair of phases at the unplugged connectors.
if one phase is missing at the connector of one stepper, there are 3 possible causes:
1. connector is badly crimped to the wires
2. one of the wires is defective
3. the stepper itself is defective.

to check#1 you need to have a closer look at the crimped part of the connector. a needle might be helpful to unlock the small crimped connector-part out of the plastic part.
to check#2 &#3 cut and strip the wires approx. 1cm near the motor and check the phases there. you can replace the whole cable with a ready made standard 4-pin cable (usually available as 70cm version).

from my experience, it's most likely that the connector is badly crimped.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Publié : 24/07/2017 11:47 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Z-Axis Not Moving Well

Ok, I have tested the wires without the connector (cut the connector off) and then I cut the wires shorter for the final test (about 4cm long now).

Every test gives back a reading of continuity, no matter which wires I touch. Just in case anyone thinks it's the meter, it's fine, it doesn't show continuity until the leads are connected directly or through something that completes a circuit. 🙂

Does this mean the motor is broken? Can the motor be opened and the wire connections checked? I'm guessing I'll need to order a new motor, but is there a warranty on them? I've had the kit for over six months but just finished the assembly recently. I'd probably go 3rd party for a replacement to save on the shipping if I do need a new one.

Publié : 25/07/2017 4:51 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Z-Axis Not Moving Well

I have sent a message to support as well.

Publié : 25/07/2017 6:24 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Z-Axis Not Moving Well

Update: I have a working printer now after sorting out a replacement for the right z-axis motor thanks to help from support.

A few words of caution to anyone thinking they have a bad motor: Don't cut any wires before talking to support, they may ask you to cut them, but if they didn't it will be a bit more difficult to prove that the cut wires aren't the issue.

Publié : 10/08/2017 4:06 am
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