XYZ Calibration - Nozzle Grinds Bed at Calibration Point #5
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XYZ Calibration - Nozzle Grinds Bed at Calibration Point #5  

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XYZ Calibration - Nozzle Grinds Bed at Calibration Point #5

Hi, when I run the XYZ calibration test (with the piece of paper) and it runs totally fine up until point number 5 of 9 when the nozzle starts grinding into the bed. I have tried adjusting the PINDA probe to various heights which doesn't change anything until the PINDA is moved so far the nozzle starts to hit paper. The Z calibration and selftest run fine.

Here is a video of the issue:

The same thing happens on both 3.0.9 and 3.0.10 firmware.

I've retensioned both belts and tried moving the PINDA to its maximum and minimum height. I tried running the Z calibration and selftest again and those run fine still. I confirmed that the light on the PINDA blinks when it hits point 5 on the Z calibration test so it finds the correct height fine when the Z calibration runs.

Posted : 22/02/2017 12:59 am