XYZ Calibration Failure with New Firmware
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XYZ Calibration Failure with New Firmware  

Active Member
XYZ Calibration Failure with New Firmware

Printer: MK2S
Firmware: V 3.0.12-RC2

Is anyone else having trouble calibrating with the new firmware? I loaded it a few days ago, and everything seemed to be working just fine. Then I had a mechanical problem, so I started an XYZ Calibration. But during the search for Point 3 (at the very back of the bed) there is something different. The bed comes so far forward that the linear bearing on the left rail (left when facing the printer) hits the orange ABS rod mount at the front of the rod, and the motor loses steps. The PINDA successfully finds all 4 Calibration Points, but the lost steps screw up the calibration. After the 4th Point, it stops for a few seconds (thinking?), and then tries another complete iteration that has the exact same problem. After 3 failed iterations it stops and displays a failure and says to check the manual.

The PINDA seems to be working fine: the LED is blinking as it senses all the Points. My home switch also is working fine. I can hear it "clicking" when the bed moves all the way to the back. The belt is tight.

It's acting as if the new firmware has the Y dimension of of the bed longer than it used to be, or the amplitude of the "search window" has increased, so that the bed is coming further forward than it used to. When the bearing contacts the mount it appears to be causing the motor to lose sync which throws off the calibration.

I'm definitely not "married" to that as the exact problem, it's unlikely, but I can't see a better one yet. Anybody have any other ideas?


Postato : 01/12/2017 5:31 pm
Active Member
Re: XYZ Calibration Failure with New Firmware

I also noticed some strangeness with xyz calibration. My two month old machine that was calibrated perfect on 3.0.10 gave me an error when calibrating on 3.1.0

It was no longer finding the front point... I ended up sliding the bed slight on the mount and it worked.


Postato : 01/12/2017 7:31 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: XYZ Calibration Failure with New Firmware

So I downloaded and installed V 3.0.10, and I still have the same problem. So it's not the new version of the firmware.

Something must have moved mechanically. I'm not sure what it could be, but that's a job for tomorrow...

Postato : 01/12/2017 8:54 pm
Active Member
Re: XYZ Calibration Failure with New Firmware

If you have the slotted belt holder on your bed you should be able to adjust it forward or back a few MM.

Postato : 02/12/2017 4:35 pm
Active Member
Re: XYZ Calibration Failure with New Firmware

i have a similar problem during xyz calibration after updating the firmware. the first point is fine, but when the table moves in the y- direction it moves further than necessary and cannot find those points. it moves about 115mm in y direction instead of about 100mm. the pindaprobe never gets over the sensing points. for the last row of points it is also too far and crashes against the frame. moving the table a few mm forward or backward will not help because the srews ate not that long.

Postato : 27/01/2018 3:44 pm
Active Member
Re: XYZ Calibration Failure with New Firmware

Any answers to this topic?
still does not work for me

Postato : 31/01/2018 2:40 pm
Estimable Member
Re: XYZ Calibration Failure with New Firmware

Although I do not know for sure I also got the impression that the new firmware seems to be somewhat more sensible in this matter.
Try to reset the calibration in the menue before you start a new calibration.
I read about that somewhere, that sometimes a new calibration could get messed up by old values.
At least for me that did the trick...

Postato : 31/01/2018 4:25 pm
Active Member
Re: XYZ Calibration Failure with New Firmware

Unfortunately resetting the xyz calibration did not help either,
I made a video of my problem and put it on youtube to make it more clear what is happening here.
hope there is a solution

Postato : 31/01/2018 8:04 pm
Estimable Member
Re: XYZ Calibration Failure with New Firmware

Your video shows a bed mesh calibration. That is what is always done before every print.
You need to do a proper XYZ calibration first!
Please Check on the prusas help section for the First Step instructions....

Postato : 31/01/2018 10:50 pm
Active Member
Re: XYZ Calibration Failure with New Firmware

thanks for the reply alex. s27 but I know I have to do the xyz calibration first, but the problem is the same on all calibration methods ( i hope I mentioned that in the video)
So i chose meshbed leveling because it illustrates the problem better and faster.... so i do no make to make a video that takes minutes to watch.
exactly the same problem at xyz calibration... which I have tried so many times by now.

So when I start xyz calibration it does first the 4 point calibration. Then I see the following, which shows exactly the same problem:
the first point is ok.(first row)
the second point (which is in the second row) the y-coordinate is not ok anymore y-axis : movement of about 115mm instead of about 100mm
for the 3rd point (third row )the mistake is even more.

Postato : 01/02/2018 11:39 am
Estimable Member
Re: XYZ Calibration Failure with New Firmware

thanks for the reply alex. s27 but I know I have to do the xyz calibration first, but the problem is the same on all calibration methods ( i hope I mentioned that in the video)

You did, but I watched the video on mute for it was already late and I lie in bed with my wife sleeping.
Beware that she would have woken up and got ideas.....

What is remarkable that your bed seems to move somewhat to far.
If it was loosing steps (silent mode) it would move too less.
Could not be the geometry, as you were printing fine before as it seems. Very odd....

Given you are sure it is nothing mechanical, I would download the firmware anew and flash it again.
I remember that sometimes that solved odd problems for some or the other.
And still, after flashing delete the old calibration files first and make a reset, there is some "how to" available either here or in the help section.
And then rerun all those steps, I know it takes an anoying time...
No idea, how this firmware works and when it saves its "learnings".
I use to enter just a different menue point like "print from file" after each step, cancel it, press the reset,
shut it down with the power switch and boot it again.
This at least worked for me having had similar problems with finding the calibration point although (when it finally worked)
my frame was perfectly perpendicular.

I truly hope this is of help and there is someone out there who could be of more help than I....

Postato : 01/02/2018 6:21 pm
Active Member
Re: XYZ Calibration Failure with New Firmware

After hours and hours of checking I finally found what the problem was for my printer:

A short piece of extruded filament from a broken print has wound up around the pulley of the y-axis stepper motor.
The filament made the radius of the pulley slightly bigger, but not so big that it would miss steps, it still worked.
Through that pulley with the increased radius the y-axis movement was also slightly bigger which was the problem with the xyz-calibration.

It was silver filament on the silver colored pulley which is hidden by the belt and the side flanges of the pulley,
so I was difficult to see as long the pulley was not removed.
Actually in reality it was more difficult to see than on these zoomed in pictures using a flash.

Thanks for thinking with me through this problem guys!

Postato : 08/02/2018 2:13 pm
Estimable Member
Re: XYZ Calibration Failure with New Firmware

Thank you for this piece of information.
I will remember to even think the impossible...

Postato : 08/02/2018 3:45 pm
New Member
Re: XYZ Calibration Failure with New Firmware


Thanks for your post !
Same problem, a previous missed print (piece did not stick to bed with wires everywhere) result in similar problem : missing calibration point 2 of 4 even if calibration point 1 was found.

Thanks for sharing your pictures, it helps me to spot my problem !

Postato : 09/02/2018 6:05 am
Keith Applegarth
Active Member
Re: XYZ Calibration Failure with New Firmware

That just happened to me. I thought I was going crazy!!! Many thanks. Cleaned out the pulley teeth, calibrated the first time! Woot!

Postato : 06/03/2018 11:28 pm