What’s causing this noise on my printer?
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What’s causing this noise on my printer?  

Active Member
What’s causing this noise on my printer?

Prusa MK2S ic3d filament

First layer @215

My printer is making this weird noise and I can’t seem to diagnose the cause. It’s not touching the build plate because it’s still extruding the first properly. I tried lowering the right side by 10/20 microns and it’s still producing the same noise. At first I thought the noise was exclusive to the right side of the plate but it’s now happening on both the left and right sides. The sound definitely sounds like it’s coming from the extruder, not the fans.

Any ideas?[youtube] [/youtube]

Postato : 09/01/2018 2:55 am
Active Member
Re: What’s causing this noise on my printer?

Hi, sometimes I have the same issue.
It's really difficult to know where the sound come from.

To correct the issue, I unscrew, adjust the extruder pulley and tight again it seems to fix the problem.
I have also removed this mod : https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2457422

Postato : 09/01/2018 11:51 am
New Member
Re: What’s causing this noise on my printer?

I'm getting the exact same noise. It comes and goes on it's own. It prints just fine.

It is definitely tied to extruder motor rotation. It starts and stops precisely when the extruder motor starts and stops. It get's louder and softer at the same points in the rotation. Loudest when the set screw is at 9:00 and quietest at 3:00.

I wonder if it's just a stepper motor thing at this particular rotation speed. It started doing this when I slowed the speeds way down to print ninjaflex material.

Nothing I press on or squeeze seems to make any difference.

Postato : 24/01/2018 4:00 am