what is happening with my printer?
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what is happening with my printer?  

New Member
what is happening with my printer?

So I bought my printer back in January I initially had some issues assembling it, but in a second try I was able to get the all axis perpendicular message. I did all the sd card prints and some of my own models successfully, and was very happy with it.

First issue with the printer started when the bolt holding the probe got loose mid print and the printer smashed the bed, it did some dents on the sheet but I think nothing significant, I had to clean the nozzle and reassemble the extruder, got it calibrated and in working condition again.

Immediately after that I stopped using it for a while (about three months). When I had to use the printer again, I moved it from location. So I did the calibration xyz. It failed, after a lot of tries and re-installing the firmware I decided to rebuild it once again, this time the assembly instructions had been updated and it was much straightforward, the videos showing how to tightening the y axis help a lot. I think the issues I had before was that the y axis bolts were not tighten enough and eventually got loose with time.

After this last assembly the printer is much sturdier, I also verified everything with a caliper.

After the third assembly and the initial calibration I got this message: calibrate xys compromised. Left front calibration point not reachable. I contacted prusa they recommended me to lower the probe, after this I got the message: xyz calibration all right x/y axes are slightly skewed. Good Job

So I proceeded to calibrate live z and do my first print. And now I am stuck in there. Initial tests are not turning any good, it was much straightforward the first time, and I am afraid there might be some issue with a component or something else.

I initially, did the gcode provided in the sd card, after that I tried to print the prusa logo, the first layer didn’t look right, there were gaps between the strings of filament, around 2mm wide. So I then proceeded to the live-z calibration method suggested in the before you ask guide, but same thing.

Tried raising the probe about half a notch, same thing. Raising it another one, and repeat the whole process, same thing.

I did the opposite and lowered the probe instead, tried multiple locations but the same thing.

If I leave the printer go on, the prints will start getting loose from the bed around mid-print.

I also notice that in almost all of the tests the outer filament outline is not straight, it gets deformed.

I attach a picture of the prusa logo I did with before the failures, and the troubled tests I am having now.

Do you guys have an idea what might be wrong with my printer, is it a component, built issue or else?

Many thanks for your help!!!

Napsal : 10/10/2017 9:17 pm
Noble Member
Re: what is happening with my printer?

Please try the calibration steps found here:


If you still have problems, please try to describe (or photos) of each step and we can see if we can help you figure it out.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Napsal : 12/10/2017 3:02 am
Eminent Member
Re: what is happening with my printer?

Live-Z is not low enough in any of those tests. Run the V2 Calibration gcode from the sd card. How I do it is once the printing starts get into the menu to change the live-Z. After each left/right pass adjust the live-z down about .050 (or even .100 for the first few) and click. Once you think you start to get close go down by .025 each pass. Pics for what a correctly adjusted live-z print should look like in the manual.

Napsal : 13/10/2017 1:32 am