Trouble Uploading Firmware to Rambo Mini 1.3
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Trouble Uploading Firmware to Rambo Mini 1.3  

Eminent Member
Trouble Uploading Firmware to Rambo Mini 1.3

Hi guys,

Just finished assembling my mk2. Wow, what a difference in quality from the cheap aliexpress printer I got earlier this year. Everything went together without a hitch, but I'm having problems updating the firmware. It's a brand new Rambo Mini 1.3. It connect to win 10 machine fine with the downloaded drivers and shows up con com 9. The Green power status light is on, and when I use the update firmware utility, it prompts me to not unplugged, and the board flashes an amber light about every 15 seconds. I've waited for hours, and nothing changes within the output window.

I've also tried using arduino 1.06 to upload the firmware manually, but I get an out of scope error when compiling the latest firmware off the git repository.

Any help would be appreciated.


Napsal : 09/08/2016 11:06 am
Member Moderator
Re: Trouble Uploading Firmware to Rambo Mini 1.3

Hi Nick,

Does the screen of the printer show white square ? And does a flash to 3.0.3 version work ?

I'm like Jon Snow, I know nothing.

Napsal : 09/08/2016 11:20 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Trouble Uploading Firmware to Rambo Mini 1.3

Thanks for the reply christophe. No, the lcd is blank, does not power on. I will try the 3.0.3 this evening, let you know if I have any success.


Napsal : 10/08/2016 12:24 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Trouble Uploading Firmware to Rambo Mini 1.3

Okay, so uploading from arduinoIDE results in the same 15 second amber flash, and then a timeout from avrdude. Is there something special I need to do to prepare a new Rambo mini board??

Napsal : 10/08/2016 8:07 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Trouble Uploading Firmware to Rambo Mini 1.3

It may be a daft question. Do you have the Prusa I3 powered up ie switched on when trying to update the firmware on the Rambo board?
The Prusa I3 must be switched on to update the firmware.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Napsal : 11/08/2016 3:35 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Trouble Uploading Firmware to Rambo Mini 1.3

Haha, no worries Nigel, but yes it is definately powered.

Napsal : 11/08/2016 5:33 am
Honorable Member
Re: Trouble Uploading Firmware to Rambo Mini 1.3

Dang. How about the correct HEX file for your board? I have been there and done all in the past and had failures . Until I powered up the I3 and used the correct HEX file 🙂 Now all firmware updates work every time. I use an old Samsung PC laptop running Windows 10. I downloaded and installed the latest drivers from Prusa Research.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Napsal : 11/08/2016 5:47 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Trouble Uploading Firmware to Rambo Mini 1.3

I figured it out. Brought it over to the mac, still no luck with the upload. Disconnected the LCD and boom, updated successfully with the hex file. Plugged LCD back in, still dead. Tried new cables, still dead. New LCD, and now working. Never trust Aliexpress parts. Thought someone find this useful. Thanks for your help guys.


Napsal : 11/08/2016 6:49 am
Honorable Member
Re: Trouble Uploading Firmware to Rambo Mini 1.3

So nick.c2 you had a faulty LCD display. Did it display ok before the firmware update? If not why carry on? Bad luck I guess coincidental with the firmware update that the LCD display failed! A faulty LCD display can affect a firmware update I guess! New one to me.
Smacks of a male cow having a poo 🙂

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Napsal : 12/08/2016 3:29 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Trouble Uploading Firmware to Rambo Mini 1.3

I bought the MK2 upgrade, frame, and Rambo mini separately and assembled a full kit with extra parts I had laying around. The rambo was sans firmware when I received it, hence having no reference point to a previously functioning state. I'm just glad I had another one lying around 😀

Napsal : 15/08/2016 7:39 pm