Tried everything, can't get bed level.
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Tried everything, can't get bed level.  

Strona 3 / 3
New Member
Re: Tried everything, can't get bed level.

I know this is an old forum, but I am experiencing the same problem and I am not clear on how this was solved. I am new to 3D Printing and I was wondering if someone can explain this to me, I got my printer prebuilt and all I know is that the right side of the bed is higher than the left and that there is a stripped standoff. Please help.

Opublikowany : 22/08/2017 12:06 am
New Member
Re: Tried everything, can't get bed level.

I'm having the same issue, except front-to-back. The first layer on the front of the bed looks squished down appropriately, but the back barely adheres. This definitely seems like the problem the Probe is supposed to deal with, and I can see the z-axis motors move slightly when printing the first layer, but it's not enough. I've resorted to shimming the back two screws that attach the headed bed to the y-axis, which seems to help a bit but I'm still not seeing great results. Is is possible the Probe is malfunctioning? Anybody have any advice?

Opublikowany : 03/09/2017 7:51 pm
New Member
Re: Tried everything, can't get bed level.

any solutions? all these chats about bed leveling just seem to end with no deliberation, , seriously its wierd, i set it up everything was working pass tests, prints a few items. was good then now i get gaps.. in the back of the bed, front way too tight, same as others are describing. i look at bed took a laser leveler to it and all looks very dead on. i mean it used to work . i got this thing because my maker select plus cant do bed calibration, but now i am thinking i just spent 700.00 bucks on no calibration at all. like not even manual, at least once the maker select calibrate it was good for 6 or so months. please fix this problem, if the bed doesnt allow for adjustment then the software needs to have a manual overirde that actually works, yet i cant read any info on the manual offset, postings on the web looks like they lost too. and the software appearantly when it works its great, maker 3d printer of the freaker year! when it fails err got paper wieght, software got to be smarter like know the diference in low vs high point, if not then toss out the window and go back to the manual adjustable beds! when software works for 70 percent of the system and 30 you dont know the solutions, its time to come up with a new plan, any way too many people are having issues there needs to be a fix or else i might as well get one of these cheap chinese prusa kit for 155.00, it cant be any worst at this point, then a printer that cant lay a first layer...such a let down, i had such high hope for this one...

Opublikowany : 05/03/2018 1:08 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Tried everything, can't get bed level.

any solutions? all these chats about bed leveling just seem to end with no deliberation, , seriously its wierd, i set it up everything was working pass tests, prints a few items. was good then now i get gaps.. in the back of the bed, front way too tight, same as others are describing. i look at bed took a laser leveler to it and all looks very dead on. i mean it used to work . i got this thing because my maker select plus cant do bed calibration, but now i am thinking i just spent 700.00 bucks on no calibration at all. like not even manual, at least once the maker select calibrate it was good for 6 or so months. please fix this problem, if the bed doesnt allow for adjustment then the software needs to have a manual overirde that actually works, yet i cant read any info on the manual offset, postings on the web looks like they lost too. and the software appearantly when it works its great, maker 3d printer of the freaker year! when it fails err got paper wieght, software got to be smarter like know the diference in low vs high point, if not then toss out the window and go back to the manual adjustable beds! when software works for 70 percent of the system and 30 you dont know the solutions, its time to come up with a new plan, any way too many people are having issues there needs to be a fix or else i might as well get one of these cheap chinese prusa kit for 155.00, it cant be any worst at this point, then a printer that cant lay a first layer...such a let down, i had such high hope for this one...

You only hear about people with problems because it's a forum.... there are 10,000+ other owners that aren't here because they don't have a problem. the bed leveling isn't excellent and rather disappointing but it works better than my manual one, 1000%. you need to ask support to actually look into it.... if it's pre-assembled ask them. if it's a kit then you need to check your work and confirm. something changed so figure it out.

Opublikowany : 06/03/2018 5:47 am
Strona 3 / 3