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thermostat wire  

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thermostat wire

On a resent print gone bad, I had the thermostat wire get broken. I need help on replacement parts. I bought it assembled and can not tell how it is connected to the nozzle and what I need to replace. Thanks in advance.

Postato : 29/11/2017 8:33 pm
Active Member
Re: thermostat wire

Hi Jon,

You will have to replace the thermistor. If you live in the US, you can buy it here Otherwise, you can buy it directly from E3Donline. While you are at it, you may wish to buy a silicone sock to prevent this from happening in the future.

However, the hitch with this part is that there is a connector that isn't on the Prusa and it will cause you problems. See this thread

A word of caution about removing the thermistor cartridge: You need to do it at temperature (i.e. hot enough to melt filament) because there is melted filament holding it in. Even if you are able to scrape off all the blobs you can see, there is still plastic you can't see holding the cartridge in the heater block. Pushing, pulling or hammering at room temp won't get it out (believe me, I've tried). The easiest way to would have been to bring your hotend up to temperature, but it appears that your wires are completely severed, so you'll just get an error and your hotend won't heat up. You will have to disassemble your extruder assembly so that you don't melt your cooling fans and printed extruder parts and then use a heat gun to bring the heater block up to temperature. At this point, you can remove the grub screw beneath the thermistor cartridge. The hole in the heater block for the cartridge goes all the way through to the other side, so you can push the cartridge out from the other side.

Good luck.


Postato : 30/11/2017 5:50 pm