Temperature not correct, print failing
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Temperature not correct, print failing  

Temperature not correct, print failing


i am havibg some problems with my prusa i3 mk2:

it worked for weeks very fine now, but suddenly a print was broken, the first 1 or 2 cm were fine but than it was not pushing filament.
I tried:
- using different filament
- cleaning (atomic Method)
- replacing the hubbed gear
- disassamble und cleaning of the complete hot end

Nothing helped at all, but i wondered why my first layer is working (not very well, but it is pushing out filament) and from the second layer on, there is no filament coming out. The only difference between them is the temperatur (220 vs 210°C). so i turned up the temperature slowly and viola - with 235°C it was working again fine. Same thing for my heat-bed: display reads 60°C but you could touch it easily - my own temp-meter reads only 40°C?!

What has happend to my printer? How can i correct it??

Posted : 05/12/2016 3:32 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Temperature not correct, print failing

I recently had a jam that needed to be cleared. I did the atomic method but it still did not help with flow issues. I have a really small drill bit that is made for 3D nozzles. I used the bit to clear the jam and it worked. I did not use the bit on a power tool, i just turned the bit by hand. I could feel the bit catching old filament.

Posted : 05/12/2016 8:50 pm
Topic starter answered:
Re: Temperature not correct, print failing

Thank you for your reply - i already did this, my extruder is very clean.

i think it is a problem with the Temp-Sensors - as i said, i measured the bed temp, it was way to cool. Same for the hot end. I will take some measurements tomorrow. Is it possible, that there was a chinge in the firmeware beacause of the upgraded V6.1 hotend?

Posted : 05/12/2016 11:04 pm
New Member
Re: Temperature not correct, print failing

Did you check the connectors of the power supply to the RAMBO board ? When both the heated bed and extruder don't get hot enough, you might have a bad connection of the power supply to the RAMBO board.

Posted : 08/12/2016 10:26 am