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Stripped Nozzle during change  

New Member
Stripped Nozzle during change

Tried to change the nozzle to a steel nozzle purchased from Prusa. Heated the nozzle head and followed instructions per the manual but the nozzle broke off with the threads in the hotend. Any one have any ideas as to how to fix? Thanks!

Napsal : 12/12/2017 11:54 pm
Jim Cook
Trusted Member
Re: Stripped Nozzle during change

I haven't received my MK3 yet but if it happens to me I would try to remove it with an Easy-Out.
Now, if you do not know what that is or don't trust yourself to do it, I would suggest you show it to a machinist. If he has any experience machining he has had the need of an easy-out and should be able to help you. If your company has a machine shop, the foreman might take pity on you and fix it for you.
If you are at a school, take it to the machine shop class and the teacher could help.
Good luck.

Napsal : 13/12/2017 12:09 am